Mayor Pizarro clarifies that her statements were for another comptroller: “I don’t regret anything” | National

After the controversy over her statements about the management of the Comptroller’s Office, Mayor Claudia Pizarro specified which comptroller she told to “stop the egging” and pointed out that she could file a protection appeal to defend her freedom of expression.

The mayor of La Pintana, Claudia Pizarroreferred to his statements regarding the work of the Comptroller when supervising the disregard of authorities in the campaign for the exit plebiscite.

The militant DC declared to the YouTube channel Caco TV that “the comptroller restricts my freedom of expression. I really think he is grating the potato.”

“In short, comptroller, stop the egging,” he said in the interviewer. “Stop the egg”replied the mayor.

All this after the Comptroller’s Office declared its actions inadmissible in the event “La Pintana Approves” and determined that tweeted about the Approval during business hours.

in conversation with MegaPizarro clarified that he was not referring to comptroller Jorge Bermúdez, but to the regional comptroller René Moraleswho signed the opinion against him.

“I am not referring to Comptroller Bermúdezbut to the First Comptroller’s Office headed by Mr. Morales, Comptroller Morales of the First Comptroller’s Office,” he said.

Along with this, he defended himself by pointing out that the program where he made the statements is “sarcastic, in a parody tone, in a tone of black humor”.

Likewise, he pointed out that “in colloquial terms, I said that word. However, here the ultra-right has chosen much more serious names for our president, such as saying ‘hake’like saying ‘mamarracho’, being that he is also an authority”.

“I think that here because a woman says it today we are amazed, but colloquially I said it, yes, I do not regret anything”he added.

“The Comptroller is not God”

In the opinion of the mayor, “it seems to me that it is unconstitutional that restrict my freedom of expression during free time”, for which he announced a protection resource in case the Comptroller’s Office does not answer his request.

“(Comptroller) warns that I should not stand near an Approval flag, since that is unconstitutional. I believe that the Comptroller is not God and I think that in that sense if they don’t answer me I’m going to go with protection resource before the Court of Appeals,” he said.

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