Meditation has a special effect on the human brain: the scientist explained what its benefits are

Reading time: 1 min. , 12 seconds

This information was reported by Stanford Magazine, URA-Inform reports.

Clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine and co-director of the Stanford Center for Brain Performance Angela Lumba-Brown, meditation can improve awareness, focus, and control your thoughts.

However, this is not all that meditation can give. According to Stanford Psychology Research Fellow Matt Dixon, meditation affects the functioning of various parts of our brain, which can lead to positive changes in a person’s life.

According to Dixon, meditation can affect two main areas of the brain. The first is the default mode network, which is responsible for thinking about the past and the future. In people who meditate regularly, this area of ​​the brain becomes less active, which allows them to control disturbing thoughts and focus on the present moment. Secondly, meditation increases the activity of the insula, which is responsible for awareness of the body and emotions.

Thanks to this, meditators can better understand their emotions and feelings, which has a positive effect on their lives. However, the benefits of meditation are not limited to personal growth.

According to Dixon, meditation can improve our daily interactions with others. A more considerate and patient attitude towards others can create a more harmonious environment in our lives and help us achieve greater success in all areas of activity.

Interestingly, meditation does not require special skills or talents. This is a practice that anyone can master, regardless of age or experience. Meditation helps us let go of negative self-images and become more attentive to our own needs and the needs of others.

Recall that language affects the brain and human abilities: scientists talked about the details.


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