Meloni-Schlein, the duel on TV is not going to happen. Why Rai should surrender –

Goodbye to the duel between Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein. Rai itself explains the explanations behind the cancellation of the direct confrontation, which might have been performed on 23 Might by Bruno Vespa throughout Porta a Porta: “We’ll all the time assure respect for Par Condicio. Solely 4 of the eight lists represented in Parliament accepted Rai’s invitation to a two-way comparability between leaders on the idea of consultant energy. Because of this, within the absence of the bulk required by the Communications Regulatory Authority, Rai believes it can not plan any dialogue inside the phrases beforehand proposed. The general public service will proceed to ensure, because it has all the time accomplished, respect for the Par Condicio in information and in-depth applications with the steadiness and correctness acknowledged by the Authority itself”.

Conte uses Rai supervision against the Meloni-Schlein duel: letter of censorship to Agcom

The Communications Authority, urged by some political representatives who remained out of the duel, had the truth is established that the Prime Minister and the secretary of the Democratic Celebration might solely problem one another if the vast majority of the lists current in Parliament had given the inexperienced mild. Which, as communicated by Rai, didn’t occur.

First he says TeleMeloni and then he goes: Floris frames Schlein on the TV duel

#MeloniSchlein #duel #place #Rai #give #Tempo
2024-05-17 04:46:46

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