Menopause, when bones and organs grow old, what kind of food is good?

Pay attention to slowing down ‘aging in the body’

Menopause is marked by aging in women. Osteopenia and vascular disease that appear during menopause are all signs of aging. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

When did you first feel the aging of your body? A lot of people would point out presbyopia. If it appears earlier than the age of 40, the impact is considerable. This is because presbyopia is reminiscent of the reading glasses of the elderly. Aging does not appear only in the eyes and skin. Bones and organs also age. Many scientists have devoted themselves to anti-aging methods, but the results have been mediocre. However, aging can be slowed down. Is there any way?

◆ Can it help slow down aging? Rapid commercialization is key

A paper was published in the latest issue of the world-renowned academic journal ‘Nature’ that found out the working principle of gene regulatory proteins that help slow down aging and disease. By utilizing this principle, microRNAs that deliver specific protein information can be made much better to help control aging, genetic diseases that produce abnormal proteins, and cancer. Some predict that within the next 10 years, ordinary people will also be able to benefit from related technologies.

◆ The crossroads of aging are menopause… Why it stands out especially to women

Menopause is experienced by both men and women, but the symptoms of aging are particularly prominent in women. This is because the body undergoes severe changes during menopause. Osteopenia and vascular disease that appear during this period are all signs of aging. Estrogen (female hormone), which protects bones and blood vessels, disappears, reducing the total amount of bones that formed the maximum bone mass at the age of 20-30 and reducing bone density. Blood vessels also lose their elasticity due to aging and become hard. If a lot of cholesterol and triglycerides accumulate due to failure in food control, it can worsen vascular diseases such as dangerous stroke (cerebral infarction-cerebral hemorrhage).

◆ Skin itching, joints, cold teeth, gastritis… various signs of aging

When the secretion of moisture and sebum decreases due to aging of the skin, the skin becomes dry and itchy. Frequent bathing in winter and excessive use of soap can aggravate symptoms. Ultraviolet rays penetrate the dermal layer of the skin and cause pigmentation and deformation of elastic fibers. As you get older, your joints, such as your knees, will experience pain even if you overdo them a little. As the gastric mucosa goes through the aging process, gastritis, which was not there, can occur, and toothache can occur as the root of the tooth is exposed.

◆ In case of delaying aging with food and exercise… Calcium, vitamins, protein, etc.

Decreased bone mass or aging of organs in the body can be slowed down with food. It is often to eat small anchovies and dairy products, which are rich in calcium, which increases bone density. If you don’t like milk, you can supplement calcium by eating yogurt. Vitamin C is a representative antioxidant that slows down the damage and aging of the body. It is abundant in vegetables (tomatoes, green peppers, broccoli, etc.), fruits (citrus, strawberries, kiwi, etc.), and grains. It is good to eat green and yellow vegetables (sweet potatoes, carrots, old pumpkins, sweet pumpkins, mangoes, spinach) and fruits (citrus, sweet persimmons, etc.) that are rich in beta-carotene.

Moving your body frequently also helps delay aging. Fitness, tennis, swimming, etc. are not the only sports. Increasing physical activity in daily life is good for maintaining muscles that naturally decrease from the age of 40 and can slow down the rapid deterioration of the body. If you don’t use hard cast iron and pile it up in a warehouse, it will rust. The same goes for the human body.

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