Men’s Health Awareness: Movember and Male Cancers

2023-11-10 05:15:01

The term Movember refers to the contraction between the month of November (in English) and the mustache. This is a good time to talk about men’s health and prevent prostate or testicular cancer.

Pink October raises awareness of breast or uterine cancer (for example by selling firefighter badges recolored in pink and blue). Then follows the month of November.

And in November, it’s Movember. The opportunity to publicize, in turn, more male cancers: prostate and testicles to name just a few.

Thomas Ripert is a urologist, and incidentally president of the Bacchantes race in Reims (Marne), which aims to raise funds for research against these cancers. This privileged interlocutor answered questions from France 3 Champagne-Ardenne.

What is this month of November for?

“We must assume that it is an Anglo-Saxon invention. It comes from the Australian dialect Momeaning mustache, and November, so November in English. The goal is to make an impression by growing a mustache in November. As, quote, support for male illnesses in general.”

“There was Pink October, a fairly innovative concept, with the wearing of the little pink badge, for female illnesses, such as breast or uterine cancer, which we have democratized and which women have been talking about easily and for a long time . And there, we have these men who grow a mustache in the month of November. It allows us to loosen our tongues and talk about male illnesses, which remain taboo, with little information given to those concerned.”

What message should be sent?

“Movember is dedicated to male diseases in general, not just prostate cancer: sexual diseases, mental disorders, testicular cancer, urinary disorders… Regarding prostate cancer, it helps raise awareness among men : you have a prostate and are over 50? Be aware, think about screening.”

Why do we need to talk about it?

“Having early detection of a possible cancer enormously increases the chances of cure. We are talking about a perverse cancer: at the beginning stage, there are no symptoms. You can be in very good shape and have cancer of the prostate. If we wait too long, symptoms will appear, but in a very advanced form: it will be diagnosed too late, with less favorable prognoses.”

“We cannot avoid prostate cancer. It would be utopian to recommend a diet or a drink to avoid it. It’s like for a person having a monastic lifestyle: it will not prevent him from doing so. a heart attack, for example. Afterwards, obviously, a healthy body in a healthy mind: that’s better. And we don’t know all the predisposing factors.”

Prostate cancer is the leading cancer affecting men over 50.

“Prostate cancer is the leading cancer affecting men over 50. There are 50,000 new cases per year, and it is responsible for 8,000 to 10,000 deaths each year, directly or indirectly. that’s why we need to raise awareness among men.”

“In Anglo-Saxon countries, it worked. And it raised funds for research. Now, it has happened in France.”

Speaking of funds, how did the last edition of Bacchae go?

“It’s a bit like our French counterpart to Movember… We placed it close to the European Prostate Cancer Screening Day, in September. It allows us to talk about it locally. And to bring together, in 2023, 800 runners and walkers. Since its creation in 2016, we have raised 73,660 euros [et 14 140 euros rien qu’en 2023 ; ndlr] to help finance the fight against prostate cancer, by financing the system we have at the Courlancy clinic.”

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