Men’s Health: Understanding the Importance of Breast Cancer Awareness for Men

2023-09-13 20:04:14

Careful readers should note that the author likes to use sisters to describe friends who are fighting breast cancer; the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation does focus more on women when designing virtual ambassadors and providing various information. After all, breast cancer is the number one cancer affecting Hong Kong women. , the majority of patients are women.

However, this does not mean that men will not develop breast cancer. The 67-year-old Japanese male singer Nobuaki Kondo recently publicly stated that he suffers from second-stage breast cancer and has sought medical treatment and started treatment. He posted on the Internet that he noticed a lump on his left chest, so he went to seek medical treatment and found out that he had breast cancer.

He mentioned that he was very surprised to be diagnosed with breast cancer as a male. Fortunately, it was discovered early and could be diagnosed and treated in time.

According to the Hong Kong Cancer Statistics Center under the Hospital Authority, between 2011 and 2020, a total of 214 men were diagnosed with breast cancer in Hong Kong, which means an average of more than 20 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. In 2020 alone, there were 4,956 new cases of female breast cancer. If we only compare numbers, the situation of male breast cancer may make people feel that it pales into insignificance. However, the author believes that although the number of male breast cancer is not high, it is by no means insignificant.

The symptoms of breast cancer are similar in men and women. If a man finds a lump or any abnormality in his chest, he should not delay diagnosis and treatment by thinking that “men will get breast cancer”. Instead, he should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that since breast cancer patients are mainly female, male patients tend to suffer greater psychological pressure, or have a greater chance of finding it difficult to accept that they have breast cancer. The Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation had come into contact with these helpless patients, and finally agreed to find another “experienced” male patient to share experiences with the patient and support each other.

As mentioned earlier, the foundation often gives people the impression of “serving women”, but the author emphasizes that we absolutely welcome patients of different genders to come and seek help. Friends who want to know more about breast cancer and breast health are also welcome to become members.

Please don’t refuse help out of fear of embarrassment.

Written by: Dr. Fok Ho-e-wah Chairman of Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation

Column name: Ru Guo Tian Qing

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Careful readers should note that the author likes to use sisters to describe friends who are fighting breast cancer; the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation does focus more on women when designing virtual ambassadors and providing various information. After all, breast cancer is the number one cancer affecting Hong Kong women. , the majority of patients are women.However, this does not mean that men B3%E7%99%8C%E6%8E%89%E4%BB%A5%E8%BC%95%E5%BF%83

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