#MeToo hospital: emergency doctor Patrick Pelloux is accused of sexual and moral harassment by infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe

the essentials The highly publicized emergency doctor Patrick Pelloux is accused of moral and sexual harassment by a former fellow doctor, infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe.

After the shattering #MeToo which shook the world of cinema, the #MeToo armies or the #MeToo stand-up which led theaters to boycott certain comedians accused of sexual assault, the world of hospitals is in turn targeted. Infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe accuses doctor Patrick Pelloux of moral and sexual harassment.

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Paris Match investigated the environment and gave the floor to several witnesses, what emerged was the portrait of a “sexual predator” health professional. Already mentioned in books, the doctor’s behavior seems, according to Karine Lacombe, “imbued with sexual domination”, but she has always refused to name it. The investigation of Paris Match made it possible to identify the media person Patrick Pelloux, known for his rants against the lack of resources at the public hospital.

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“So, the pullets don’t chirp much in this henhouse!”

But it’s a completely different facet of his personality that is described there, the doctor appears to be quick to make sexist remarks: “Are you being angry, were you badly fucked last night?”, “So, chicks don’t squawk a lot in this henhouse!”, he would have said. Worse, Karine Lacombe claims to have witnessed a sexual assault in the corridors of Patrick Pelloux’s department.

“One day, an intern has her back, he grabs her by the neck and rubs his lower abdomen against her, ‘Mmm, don’t put yourself like that, it’s too tempting, damn it’s hot!’ The colleague smiles, embarrassed, and pushes him away,” writes Paris Match, quoting the infectious disease specialist.

The investigation even reveals that these actions were known. Roselyne Bachelot and Agnès Buzyn, as former Ministers of Health, would have heard of it. The first even says that Patrick Pelloux would have been “exfiltrated” from the Paris Samu due to “repeated accusations of verbal and sexual violence”.

The main person concerned would have experienced the episode as union discrimination, as explained by France Info. He admits to having made dirty jokes but denies any harassment or assault. He would still have slipped to Karine Lacombe, “with #MeToo, we can no longer do anything, anyway”, in the middle of the Covid pandemic.

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