Miaoling cabinet sister’s wrist grows small meat balls with PRP therapy to reduce recurrence-Instant News-Free Health Network

▲The doctor uses precise ultrasound to check the location and status of the ganglion cyst, and then provides suggestions for treatment. (Photo provided by Zhao Mingzhe)

Text / Zhao Mingzhe

▲The patient has a ganglion cyst on the back of the wrist. Although it is not painful, it affects the appearance. (Photo provided by Zhao Mingzhe)

“Xiaoru”, a young lady in the clothing industry, entered the clinic shyly. It turned out that the back of her hand seemed to have “an extra pack”. She said that the fluid was taken out by the doctor before, but she did not expect it to recur within half a year. After the sonic imaging diagnosis, it was confirmed that the ganglion cyst was the fault. Since the patient was reluctant to undergo surgery, it is recommended to extract the fluid and inject PRP therapy, which can greatly reduce the chance of recurrence and solve the annoying problem.

▲If the public finds unidentified protrusions on the back of the wrist, palm or instep, they should consult a doctor as soon as possible. (Photo provided by Zhao Mingzhe)

Ganglion cysts occur on the wrists and insteps

It is common in outpatient clinics that many patients constantly have to perform repetitive movements or rotate their wrists due to work needs, so that the “Ganglion cyst” on the back of the wrist is repeatedly formed. Being hit or rubbing for a long time, or chronic arthritis, will cause ganglion cysts to recur frequently, and about 70% of them will appear on the back of the wrist, the palm of the wrist or the instep.

Please read on…

20% of patients with surgical resection will recur

Generally speaking, most small cysts are not easy to be found in the early stage, and patients will not have significant pain, but if the size gradually increases, they can often be seen visually, which not only affects the appearance, but also produces pain when pressed. Some cysts The production site of rheumatoid arthritis will also limit the sensitivity of joint activities, resulting in numbness and pain, affecting daily life, and the recurrence rate after treatment is extremely high.

In the face of recurrent ganglion cysts, accurate ultrasound can be used to locate them again and then extract them. However, every time the swelling is pulled out every time it is not a radical solution, many patients will be surgically removed, and the cracked joint capsule will be sutured at the same time. It is complete to prevent the effusion from leaking again, but research data shows that there are still 20% of postoperative patients who are prone to recurrence of ganglion cysts.

A recent clinical medical study pointed out that injecting “high-concentration platelet plasma” (PRP) into patients with ganglion cysts is more effective than using hyaluronic acid or steroid injections to prevent recurrence. After the cyst was removed, she decided to inject PRP to prevent recurrence. So far, after more than half a year, she still has no swelling or pain, and the effect reassured her.

Remind the public that if the back of the wrist is swollen due to repeated use of the wrist, it is necessary to reduce the use of repeated movements at the first time, and also use a wrist brace to fix it properly. , After being diagnosed by a doctor, ultrasound-guided extraction is an immediate and effective treatment, supplemented by PRP injection is an effective choice for preventing recurrence.

(The author is the director of the Rehabilitation Department of Lianxin International Joint Clinic)

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