Microsoft exposes source of 3D emojis, allowing content creators to remix and customize them

Microsoft has open sourced over 1,500 3D emojis that authors can remix and create. Almost all of Microsoft’s 1,538 emoji libraries are Figma and github Starting today, Microsoft hopes to encourage more creativity and inclusion in the emoji space.

While Microsoft released the files Emoji in Windows 11 last year and 3D version of Microsoft Teams As of February, the company had no plans to open up its source of work initially. Microsoft design and research expert John Friedman said in an interview: pee“This idea is still in its infancy, and it is our belief that the more open we are inside and out, the more unique products we can build, and the more relevant they will be to humanity as a whole. and is consistent with the outlook.”

Today, creators will be able to access Microsoft’s own emojis on Figma and GitHub.
Photo: Microsoft

Microsoft has spent a lot of time on the overall design and diverse needs of emoji across different peoples, religions, and countries. The result is over 1,500 emojis with customized skin tones. The colors are bright and saturated and focus on having fun at work. Clippy was also introduced as an alternative to the Clip emoji, which is one of the few emojis that will not be open sourced due to Microsoft’s trademark legal requirements.

Microsoft now wants creators to explore new ways to build on emojis. “Internally at Microsoft, we are one design community that can do very little, or do very little,” explains Friedman. “We want to be part of the community and help them see and do more that reaches people in ways that are globally relevant and unique.”

Content creators can use most of Microsoft’s bright and colorful 3D emojis and remix them into stickers, use them in their content, or create their own emoji sets. “I think we see things that are really unique and specific, and we think we see ideas that are really broadly applicable,” Friedman says. There was someone who made a Marvel version of the icon for .It was cool.It was a great creative expression.”

As the community starts experimenting, we’ll see creators use Microsoft emoji to express holiday themes, even more unique skin tones and creativity. It’s easy to imagine Halloween combinations of emojis or emojis specific to a particular region or religion.

There are currently over 1500 open source emojis.
Photo: Microsoft

One of the reasons Microsoft announced to open source emojis is the changing business case. Remote and hybrid work is forcing companies and employees to work differently, making the way they express themselves through text more important.

Looking back on the pandemic, Friedman says that pre-pandemic thinking about professionalism in the workplace changed with hybrid work and emoji. “One of the things that is starting to happen with Teams is people using heartfelt reactions. or use emojis in your writing,” says Friedman.

“Facial expressions and body language were separate from our communication … so we ended up having other rich conversations that were almost as interactive as the video chats we were having.” says Freedman. “Emoji are starting to play a bigger and bigger role … and with that, people have become a little more used to having genuine interactions with things emotionally.”

Smiley Emoji from Microsoft.
Photo: Microsoft

Our design team is excited to see how our creator community builds their emoji library. Emoji’s original roots evolved from Japan and its tradition of creating images through prints, illustrations and animation. “There is power in acknowledging, honoring, and building on the work of others,” Friedman says. “Our creator community is endlessly creative, and we look forward to seeing how you can push boundaries, remix designs, and take Fluent Emoji to unexpected places.”

Personally, I hope the creative freedom of the community will allow Microsoft to enable system-wide emoji replacement, allowing Windows users to add emoji for different holidays and other themes. At least, I’m sure Windows 11 users will love seeing the actual version. 3D version of Microsoft emoji They will appear in the company’s operating system one day.

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