Microsoft WordPad Removal from Windows 11: What You Need to Know

2024-01-06 00:17:40

MS WordPad [사진: 디지털투데이]

[디지털투데이 황치규 기자]Microsoft organized many Windows features in 2023, and WordPad, a text editor that has been around for nearly 30 years, was one of them.

Microsoft did not prevent users from continuing to use these features or installing them as additional components. But in the case of WordPad, things seem to be changing.

According to Neowin, Microsoft plans to soon remove WordPad from Windows 11 and prevent it from being reinstalled.

Microsoft has announced plans to remove WordPad from the latest Canary builds, starting with build 26020. WordPad is no longer bundled with Windows OS. Microsoft said the WordPad app will not be reinstallable and that WordPad is a deprecated feature, Neowin reported.

According to Neowin, there is no official way to restore WordPad. However, there is no way to reuse WordPad in Windows 11.

Neowin said, “You can easily find manuals and executable files that can install Windows 7 stock games, legacy image viewers, and other components. However, before installing unknown executable (exe) files that can be found on the Internet, “You have to make sure the source is trustworthy,” he said.

#Microsoft #remove #WordPad #Windows #11.. #reinstallation

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