Mikati presented a full lineup to Aoun, and the latter is studying it with Basil

It was stated in “The Nation’s Call”:

Despite the “commitment of the Republican Palace departments and advisors under complete reservation” and not providing any information about the proposed government formation that Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati carried to Baabda Palace, the letter is read from its title.

This title, which President Mikati had previously explicitly and fully stated before the assignment when he put everyone before their responsibilities, stipulated that a new government be formed that is similar to the current caretaker government, and that the electricity file and the recovery plan be among its first priorities.

A concerned source told Nidaa Al-Watan that Mikati did not surprise anyone with his speed in preparing the proposed government formation and handing it over to President Michel Aoun, hours after completing the parliamentary consultations he held in the House of Representatives. Placing impossible conditions on the designated president, Dar al-Fatwa, which surrounded Mikati with a lush Sunni mantle, and the successive stances of the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, on the necessity of quickly forming a government that bears the responsibility for dealing with life and service files and relieves the burdens on the citizen, with external support, specifically French support that does not He wants any obstacle to the completion of the constitutional elections on time, leading to the presidential elections.”

The source added, “The ball is completely in the court of the Presidency of the Republic, that is, in the court of the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Representative Gibran Bassil. He has the final say in deciding the course of matters, and this is what he has been doing since the beginning of the current era.”

The source explains that “Mikati’s lineup consists of 24 ministers and a revised version of the current government, which is the opposite of what was rumored that he presented a lineup in which he distributed sectarian and sectarian portfolios without names, but the fact is that he presented a complete lineup with full descriptions of portfolios and names distributed by the current government itself, with the names of a number of The ministers, most notably Walid Fayyad (energy), Amin Salam (economy), Issam Sharaf El-Din (displaced) and Youssef Khalil (finance). The change included six portfolios and 4 ministers. Yassin Jaber was named for finance, Walid Sinno for energy, Walid Assaf for industry, and Sajia Attia for the displaced.

Yesterday morning, Mikati briefed Aoun on the results of the parliamentary consultations that he conducted the day before yesterday, and presented him with a formula for the government he proposes. The President of the Republic has informed the President-designate that he will study this formula and express his opinion on it. After the meeting, Mikati said, “In light of the non-binding parliamentary consultations that I conducted yesterday (the first), I found that the options are very narrow and that time is very important. I discussed the ideas that were presented during the consultations, visited His Excellency the President and had the honor of meeting him this morning and handed him the government formation that I deem appropriate in these circumstances. You know and I know how important time is, so His Excellency the President asked to study it and get back to me with it.”

In response to a question about the type of formation or its description, Mikati said that “it is now available to His Excellency the President.”

When Mikati entered the presidential palace, he waved to reporters the white envelope he was carrying and said: “Here, the squad.”

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