Ministry of Health updates monkeypox response plan

In this new version of the intervention plan published by the Ministry of Health, we find the definition and management of cases, as well as the establishment of an information circuit relating to new cases.

According to the note sent to all services under his supervision, Minister Khalid Ait Taleb, explained that the update was made according to the latest advances made internationally.

Thus, a probable case is defined as “ anyone with a skin rash, vesicular or vesicular-pustular, preceded or accompanied by fever (numbered ≥ 38°C or not numbered), and whose usual causes include: having ruled out chickenpox, measles, herpes , rickettsiosis or a possible allergic reaction, and having been in contact with a confirmed case within 21 days before the onset of symptoms ».

→ Read also: Monkey pox claims its first victims outside Africa

People with symptoms who have recently been to a country with high transmission of the virus, or who have multiple sexual partners or lesions on the external genitalia or in the perianal region, not explainable by another obvious cause, are also worrying.

Currently, only university hospitals (CHU) can analyze samples to confirm cases of monkeypox. The new version of the response plan emphasizes that children, pregnant women, immunocompromised people, such as people living with HIV with a chronic disease that is not or poorly controlled, as well as patients with chronic diseases of the skin or acute skin diseases, are considered at risk.

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