Miraculous Rescue: How Four Lost Children Survived in the Jungle for 40 Days and Their Health Condition Afterwards

2023-06-10 01:32:20

After 40 days of disappearance, the four children lost in the jungle between Guaviare and Caquetá were found by the Military Forces and with 73 indigenous people from the search team. The mission, called ‘Operation Hope’, it began on May 1 when the plane in which they were transporting crashed 175 kilometers from San José del Guaviare.

The minors, who began to move after the impact, are: Lesly Jacobombaire Mucutuy, 13 years old; Soleiny Jacobombaire Mucutuy, 9 years old; Tien Noriel Ronoque Mucutuy, 4 years old, and Cristin Neriman Ranoque Mucutuy, 11 months old.

(More: Attention: the children lost in the jungle of Guaviare are found alive)

In the preliminary evaluation that was carried out, it was determined that they have a high degree of dehydration, malnutrition, and they were also able to lose at least a third of their weight due to the lack of food.as a source confirmed that during this time they fed on branches, stems and tried to quench their thirst with the water that fell on the trees.

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Despite the fact that indigenous traditions could have been helpful for survival in the jungle, the reality is that the territory is rough for those who become familiar with the environment, as the children’s grandfather previously told Blu Radio. “This is a virgin forest, there is no town or community, not even indigenous people know that sector,” he said.

Therefore, the Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Pediatrics at the Universidad del Norte, Nelly Lacompte, He commented for EL TIEMPO what impact the children could have suffered on their health, the factors that favored their survival and what would come to ensure their health conditions.

(Of your interest: From a plane crash to a miraculous rescue: this is how they found children in the jungle)

For the professional, The most serious thing is dehydration because it is what decompensates the organism, causes a loss of fluids, solutes and all electrolyteswhich are characterized by carrying the electrical charge through minerals present in the blood.

Consequently, cardiovascular and renal complications could have occurred. After this stage, caloric intake is taken into consideration. “These children walked, looking for civilization, it is most likely that they have a decreased caloric intake, in addition to protein intake. Because it could happen that during their journey they have fed on fruits or plants”, said Lacompte.

The doctor also explains that, for those who enter the jungle, malnutrition appears, which includes weight loss and appetite, among other complications that involve white organs such as kidneys and heart. On the other hand, there are the damages that the immune system has, since the organism does not receive enough nutrients to attack possible dangers.

The child is very resistant, in general, due to its composition. For example, he has more fluids than the adult, something that favors the process they had to live through. In addition, I suppose that they were able to find fruits with which they could feed themselves a little”, he added.

(Also: ‘We found them all alive’: the report of the rescue of the children in Guaviare)

What comes after the appearance of children?

The medical procedures that are done after finding a person with high signs of dehydration and malnutrition begin with a clinical assessment and a physical examination. Since losses must be replaced according to the degree of discomfort that is diagnosed. Either orally or through nasogastric tubes, depending on the appetite that is present, according to the pediatrician

Then, The target organs that could have suffered are reviewed, mainly the kidney, which is the one that receives the greatest damage due to the lack of water, as well as the neurological part. For this reason, laboratory tests are ordered that cover all the components, in the same way you have to see how the electrolytes, potassium, among others.

(More: Exclusive: the grandmother of the rescued children speaks)

On the other hand, Lacompte said that a fundamental factor to take into account is the psychological part, because post-traumatic stress and fear can have long-term effects, so priority attention must be involved.

Jimena Delgado

School of journalism EL TIEMPO

#health #treatments

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