Given the worrying increase of 17% of homeless people in the Ñuble Region until March 2024, Senator Loreto Carvajal (PPD) demanded immediate action from the government to confront this growing humanitarian crisis.

The trend is also observed at the national level, with an increase of 6%, and specifically, the cities of Chillán and San Carlos concentrate the majority of this vulnerable population.

Senator Carvajal highlighted that this situation is especially serious in Chillán, where these vulnerable people face an obvious dependence on drugs and alcohol, which further aggravates their situation of vulnerability.

“It is imperative that as a region we confront this situation decisively. People experiencing homelessness remind us of the challenges we face in terms of mental health, drug use, unemployment and migration,” he stated. In this sense, he urged the Seremi of Social Development to promptly implement a comprehensive program that includes an increase in places for mental health programs in Ñuble, as well as employment opportunities for this population. In addition, she announced that today she will be received by Minister Javiera Toro, to whom she will request the allocation of funds for a specific intervention aimed at serving people in situations of maximum vulnerability.