Miscarriages would be more frequent during the summer

According to a report by EurekAlert!, up to “30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage” before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Until 50% of miscarriages are still unexplained. This accidental termination of pregnancy could cause victims to experience post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety.

A woman who has a miscarriage.

In a new study, researchers from the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSH) found that the risk of miscarriage would be higher during the summer. It would therefore be necessary to examine the probable links between extreme heat and pregnancy failures.

What if the risks of miscarriage were closely linked to the seasons?

The new research, published in the journal Epidemiology, examined the involvement of seasonal differences in the risk of miscarriage. This study revealed that this risk increased by 44% at the end of August, compared to February in North America. This probability was 31% higher during any week of pregnancy.

Geographically, in the South and Midwest, where the summers are hottest, this loss was most prevalent in late August and early September. However, further studies would be needed in order to know the most dominant types of exposure in summer, and which would play a role in miscarriages.

Dr. Amelia Wesselink, assistant professor of epidemiology at BUSH, explained that every seasonal difference in an outcome may hold clues to the causes of this particular result. In a similar report by Eurasia Review, she clarified that the risks of miscarriage “precocious” before eight weeks of gestation, was higher during the summer.

Can you do something to reduce the risk?

Pregnancy Study Online (PRESTO) is a study that enrolls women trying to conceive in a clinical trial and follows them from conception until 6 months postpartum. As part of this new research, Wesselink and her colleagues looked at PRESTO survey data on miscarriages.

One of the resulting theories is that summer increases the risk of miscarriage. Wesselink also stated that the heat could pregnancy in many other ways. It can be premature delivery, low birth weight or worse, stillbirth.

Nevertheless, the researchers say that many actors could take measures to mitigate likely risks from heat exposure during pregnancy. Wesselink also explained that these effects should be considered in heat action plans and climate adaptation policies.


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