Miss World 2022 to be Spectacularly Hosted in New Delhi, India: 71st Edition with Competitors from 130 Countries!

2023-06-08 22:02:49

New Delhi ∙ India will be the venue for this year’s Miss World pageant. Time and place will be announced later. In 1996, the Miss World pageant was held in Bengaluru. India is hosting again after 27 years.

Julia Morley, chairperson and CEO of the Miss World Organization, said, “This is going to be the most spectacular Miss World final ever. Miss India World 2022 Sini Shetty will act as the host representative of the Miss World pageant.

This is the 71st edition of the competition which started in 1951. Competitors from 130 countries will arrive in India for the month-long grand finale. Current world champion Karolina Białawska from Poland also came to invite everyone to India.

The winner will get a prize of Rs.10 crores. The jeweled tiara worn by the Miss World can be kept until the new Miss World is announced.

English Summary : Miss World competition may in India

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