Missing 3-year-old girl reappeared in Cologne

A three-year-old who disappeared on Friday evening in the German city of Cologne was discovered in an apartment on Saturday morning. A 70-year-old was arrested. The girl is in the custody of the police and appears to be in good health, said a spokesman for the authorities.

The man should be questioned and his apartment will be examined for forensic purposes, the police said. The girl disappeared on Friday evening while she was in a park with her aunt. Police officers found the child in an apartment on Saturday morning. The three-year-old was apparently uninjured.

A police spokesman said how the girl got into the apartment in question after her disappearance on Friday evening is now being investigated. “The investigation must show whether crimes occurred to the detriment of the girl.” The police are now interviewing witnesses and investigating the apartment, which is near the park where the three-year-old disappeared the day before.

The case is reminiscent of a missing child in the German state of Lower Saxony. Six-year-old Arian has been missing there since April 22nd. The police assume that the autistic boy left his home on his own. Search efforts have so far been unsuccessful.


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