Modern HIV Therapy: Effectiveness, Treatments, and Updates

2023-12-07 09:14:24

Modern HIV therapy manages to keep patients below the detection limit and thus reduce the risk of infection to zero. Most long-term HIV therapies are triple combinations, but dual combinations in one tablet and as injections for certain patient groups are also being discussed, as was presented at the ÖGDV annual meeting.


“Modern HIV therapy is very effective: people who fall below the detection limit are no longer infectious and have almost the same life expectancy as people without HIV,” says Ass.-Prof. OA Dr. Mario Sarcletti, HIV/AIDS Department, University Clinic for Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Med-Uni Innsbruck, states and adds: “If 95% of those infected with HIV were diagnosed, 95% of them would be treated and 95% of them would be untreated If the detection limit falls, this would be the end of HIV and AIDS in society. That’s why we doctors are required to do diagnostics!”

According to Sarcletti, there are currently around 4,540 HIV patients in Austria, 99% of whom are receiving HIV therapy (antiretroviral therapy, ART). Integrase inhibitors, nucleoside or non-nucleoside inhibitors and reverse transcriptase inhibitors are currently among the most frequently used ART therapies. Single-tablet regimens are available for most triple therapies. The control intervals for stable treated HIV infected people are every 3-6 months (HIV-RNA) and every 3-12 months (CD4+ T cells).

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