Moldovan Fighters in Kupyansk Direction: Insights from Military Expert Marochko | EADaily

2024-01-18 05:35:00

At the positions of the Kyiv regime troops conducting combat operations in the Kupyansk direction, the presence of Moldovans is recorded, who act as a separate unit. Military expert, retired LPR lieutenant colonel Andrei Marochko spoke about this in his Telegram channel on Thursday, January 18, citing his own sources.

“During the analysis of negotiations between military personnel in the Kupyansky direction, it was established that there were citizens of Moldova on the line of combat contact,” the veteran said.

He added that another confirmation of this was the recording of the use of active SIM cards of the Moldovan mobile operator.

“The exact number of identified fighters has not yet been established, but with a high degree of probability we can say that this is a separate unit operating separately on the enemy’s second and third lines of defense,” the expert concluded.

Previously EADaily reported that in the Kupyansk direction in the Sinkovka area, our troops repulsed six enemy counterattacks, which were carried out with the support of Western armored vehicles.

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