Moreno approaches Unión por la Patria and D’Elía met with Malena Galmarini

2023-08-19 22:54:00

The former candidate for president for Principles and Values, Guillermo Morenohinted at a rapprochement with Unión por la Patria, the space that he has as a candidate for Sergio Massa for the presidential It occurs after not achieving the floor to compete in October. did the same Luis D’Eliawho acknowledged an encounter with Malena Galmarini. In both cases the argument was prioritize the Peronist movementHowever, the former Secretary of Commerce went further and called on radicalism to unite against the political advance of Javier Miley.

Moreno requested this Saturday, August 19 offer to a sector of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) positions in control bodies and foreign relations of a future Peronist government.

“The Peronists and the radicals are very complicated today. That’s why, The time has come for the embrace of (Juan) Perón and (Ricardo) Balbín for the national cause”, he asked in statements to Chronicle TV.

“Here the important thing is not the candidate. It is the cause that he has to summon. Peronism has to convene all its militants, governors, mayors, union leaders, social leaders, intellectuals, businessmen and let’s create working groups to develop a platform”, emphasized the former Kirchnerist official.

Finally, he pointed out that the decision arose because “we reflected on what is happening in the Homeland and we agreed on try to get the Peronist movement to convene all the justicialist sectors”.

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“You have to summon some radicals who are heirs of (Ricardo) Balbín, so that they accompany a future Peronist government in the control bodies. We can create a superior alternative for the Homeland, ”said the former Secretary of Commerce in an audio that he broadcast to his militants.

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For his part, the referent of the Land, Housing and Habitat Federation spread through Twitter that he had met with the referent of UxP, who last Sunday lost the inmate by the Tigre mayor with Julio Zamora. “Yesterday I met for 1 1/2 hours with the colleague Malena Galmarini, I was accompanied by Claudio Palermo and Lucas Ramírez and We agree on the need to unify the Peronist Movement before the serious threats generated by anarcho-capitalism against the Homeland and the People”, he wrote.

“We suspend any internal debate and we trust that we can build with our political technical teams a project founded on the Peronist Doctrine,” he added.

In last Sunday’s PASO, Guillermo Moreno obtained 187,893 votes at the national level, which meant 0.79%, with which he could not exceed the floor of 1.5% of the votes necessary to participate in the October general elections. .

RB / Dog

#Moreno #approaches #Unión #por #Patria #DElía #met #Malena #Galmarini

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