Mosquitoes, it is the females that bite and what you should not do, according to the UNAM

Did you know that the mosquito, which buzzes in your ear and stings, is not a mosquito but a “mosquito”?, so that’s it. According to the dermatologist of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)Rosa Maria Ponce, l.the male mosquitoes in the pican and only feed on the nectar of flowers, while females are hematophagous, that is, they feed on blood.

According to the expert, los mosquitos female consume blood because they need plasma protein of mammals, including humans, to perpetuate their species. Besides that, Unlike the males, the “midges” are anatomically “designed” to extract blood when biting.

What happens and what to do when faced with a female mosquito bite?

The prurigos, consequence of the mosquito bitesare more common in people with atopic dermatitis (itching, swelling, and redness or rash), although this abnormal response is also more frequent in sensitive and delicate skin, said Ponce, who is also a dermatologist at the General Hospital of Mexico.

The itching sensation caused by the female mosquito bite It leads people to scratch, which can lead to a secondary bacterial infection called impetigo. However, applying an inappropriate cream or topic can cause a chemical reaction or contact dermatitis.

When this infection is not detected in time, it can progress and damage the kidneys, due to the formation of toxins from the bacteria, and the person requires hospitalization.

Ponce does not recommend using home remedies either. For example, spreading citrus or garlic “is risky due to the reaction with light”, since it can generate an exaggerated allergic reaction called photosensitivity.

What to do against female mosquito bites?

The dermatologist Ponce recommends:

  1. Carry anti-inflammatory and emollient creams in a first-aid kit
  2. Not to expose to sun radiation
  3. Do not wear brightly colored clothing, because it attracts insects
  4. If one visits jungle places, put on insect repellent. As its protection is temporary, reapply it, even on the hair and on top of the clothes, since the bites of some insects penetrate the garment
  5. If the person is not allergic, preventively ingest vitamin B12 and vitamin C. If the person has already been bitten, take oral antihistamines as a specific treatment

How do “mosquitos” bite?

Female mosquitoes have a proboscis with six needles., two are serrated and pierce the skin. Two more act as jaws to part the skin. Another, the labrum, detects blood vessels. And the sixth, the hypopharynx, inoculates saliva that contains anticoagulants so that blood flows easily and intake is rapid.

After what a “mosquito” bites prurigo is formed, an accelerated response to the insect’s bite, although it is actually to its saliva, which contains substances that cause that itchy sensation on the skin.

However, the academic remembers that some mosquitoes are vectors or transmitters of serious diseases. With their bite they can infect humans with malaria, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, Zika and dengue, among others.

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