Mother was shocked! 3-year-old boy goes to the bathroom was spewed poison into the eyes by a cobra Reveal the latest symptoms – fresh news

Shocked mother, 3-year-old daughter was spewed by a cobra in her eyes while she went to the bathroom alone. Inside the staff room of a football stadium reveal the latest symptoms

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In the case of a Facebook user who posted a picture of the carcass, a cobra and a child with eyes closed and crying with his parents. with a message stating “It’s a very heartbreaking case. Do not leave the child in the bathroom alone. Because sometimes snakes like to eat mice or bullfrogs that like to sleep in damp places. In this case, the child went to the bathroom and saw a snake, not sure if the kid was going to poke him. Or play with snakes? But the snake spits venom in both eyes. Most importantly, I’m not sure if it was bitten or not. She’s only 3 years old because she can’t tell. please be safe The online world has been shared more than 2,000 times and has a lot of comments.”

Shocked mother, 3-year-old daughter was spewed by a cobra in her eyes while she went to the bathroom alone.

Shocked mother, 3-year-old daughter was spewed by a cobra in her eyes while she went to the bathroom alone.

Latest on April 9, 2022, reporters traveled to one of the houses in the area of ​​Nikhom Phatthana Subdistrict, Nikhom Phatthana District, Rayong Province, which is an artificial grass football field. The scene of the incident was the employee’s home. bathroom area The incident where a snake spit venom in the eyes of a 3-year-old girl, after the accident, rescuers were notified and rushed to investigate and provide assistance. until the girl was taken for treatment at Nikhom Phatthana Hospital Until the latest symptoms are safe.

Asked by the keeper of the artificial turf football field, he said that the football field was closed for service after the Covid-19 epidemic and had hired a family of Myanmar nationals to take care of it. until it happened From the examination found that A girl was sprayed with poison by a cobra in her eye while she went to the bathroom alone. The rescuers were able to catch the cobra.

The football field attendant continued, who found that food. Expected to be a toad until the stomach bloated. Fortunately, the child’s condition is safe. After this, it will be improved by cutting the grass around the house and the bathroom. to prevent the beast from entering

On the side of Mr. Pichit Yishun, Sawangphonkusol rescue officer Who arrived in the first set said that when they found the snake next to the water tank in the bathroom, so they used a stick to grab it. The area is quite narrow. There will be holes, so we plugged the holes. Prevent snakes from entering the holes and fleeing through the sewers. Initially, it was a cobra. It spreads the hood the first time it enters. therefore had to find a direction to capture until able to catch a cobra, about 2 meters long

Mr. Phichit said that it was another example. that parents should be careful not to let children go to the bathroom alone Because children still do not know the dangers of the beast, they should be careful before they happen. The mother and child are still being treated in the hospital. Most recently, the symptoms were out of danger.

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