“Mountain Hut Wi-Fi” at Starlink Free for au subscribers at 780 yen a day-Impress Watch

2023-05-29 03:21:42

From the summer of 2023, KDD and Wire and Wireless (Wi2) will cooperate with Yamap to start offering “Mountain Hut Wi-Fi” using “Starlink”. Prior to this, from May 29th, the service will be provided in advance at “Happoike Sanso” operated by Hakuba Village Promotion Public Corporation, and the number of mountain huts that can be used will be gradually expanded in the future. The usage fee is 780 yen for 24 hours. Free for au subscribers.

Mountain trails, including mountain huts, have many areas where it is difficult to maintain a communication environment due to topography and snowfall, and there are issues such as difficulty in contacting in an emergency. This initiative is to provide Wi-Fi service by utilizing “Starlink” as a backhaul line.

Since there is no need to lay an optical fiber line, stable communication is possible even in mountain huts, where it was difficult to establish a communication environment. As a result, even in a mountain hut, it will be possible to contact family and friends regarding their safety, check weather information, and post on SNS. In addition, mountain hut owners will be able to streamline their operations through the use of digital technology, such as the introduction of cashless payments, accommodation reservations, and the collection of information on disaster prevention and natural disasters.

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