Municipal scores against Achuapa and adds its third unbeaten game in the tournament – 2024-02-25 00:12:39

Matías Rotondi, Darwin Torres, Jonathan Franco and José Morales were the four scorers of the team led by Sebastián Bini, this afternoon, on the court in zone 3, which stands out as the second best result of his team, after 5-1 that they prescribed to Guastatoya on the same field.

That time, on January 20, the scorers were Rotondi, from a penalty, José Mena, Ramiro Rocca, also from the eleven steps, Pedro Altán and Renato Sequén. Walter García showed his face through the yellow chests that day.

From there, on this occasion, the Scarlets started the duel on the right foot, because in the 5th minute, the Argentine scored his fifth goal of the competition by heading in a cross from Renato Sequén, and overcoming the resistance of goalkeeper Henry Orellana.

Then, also with the head, it was the turn of Darwin Torres, who in the second half, at 64, beat Orellana again after a mistake by his defense. With the 2-0 in their favor, Bini’s team continued to push and with a call from the visiting goalkeeper they won the prize. This is because Orellana let the ball pass between his legs, after a mid-distance shot by the young Franco, in the 68th minute, for the momentary 3-0.

One after the other the goals were accumulating, and in the 70th, José Morales rounded off the result for the scarlets, when John Méndez, located on the right, hit him low and Morales managed to put his foot in for the temporary 4-0.

Despite the heavy score, the Onions still managed to close the gap a bit through their goal man, Eliser Quiñonez, one minute after Orlando Blanco signaled the end of the match.

In this regard, at the end of the meeting, Morales commented “I think we always tried to generate in El Trébol and thank God the arch was opened for us. Now, we just have to prepare for the match during the week, hoping to get the result.”.

With this result, the Reds reached their third game without losing, since they fell by that same difference, after Deportivo Mixco denounced them for improper alignment on February 3. From there, the councilors have scored points from Zacapa, Guastatoya and Achuapa. What is worth them to climb to second place (14), however, is waiting for what their staunch rival, Comunicaciones (11 points), can do when they face Xelajú MC, at the Carlos Salazar Hijo de Mazatenango, also this Saturday at 6 pm.

For its part, Achuapa has not won since date 3, when they narrowly defeated Zacapa at the David Ordóñez Bardales, since then, they have only lost, Guastatoya, Mixco and Antigua have been their victimizers so far.

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#Municipal #scores #Achuapa #adds #unbeaten #game #tournament

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