This Monday, “Work Café” debuted, a support and monitoring program for entrepreneurs offered free of charge by the Cowork of the Municipality of Chillán, located at Vega de Saldías 57, on Monday mornings.

The program is executed by the Directorate of Economic and Productive Development (Didepro) of the municipality, with the support of the Adventist University of Chile, and consists of mentoring provided by professionals from both entities, which includes advice and tutelage to those entrepreneurs who are come to Cowork.

Renato Segura, director of Didepro, explained that “this initiative is designed especially for the Chillaneja community that today has business ideas and for some reason has not been able to materialize them and also for those people who have businesses and want to grow or They have problems in their execution. That is to say, we want to support all those individual people who are currently engaged in some activity or have some idea of ​​economic activity, in such a way as to be able to talk with them and be able to collect their concerns and see how the municipality can work together with them. them to ensure that these projects materialize or continue in a normal manner.”

Segura highlighted the enthusiasm and business ideas raised by the entrepreneurs who attended this first day, in areas such as services, commerce and the creative industry, among others.