“Murray Valley Encephalitis Updates: Latest Outbreaks and Prevention Tips in Australia”

2023-05-10 19:27:00

In Australiain the state ofWestern Australia (WA) a new case ofMurray Valley encephalitis (EVD) in an adult who was potentially exposed to infected mosquitoes while traveling in the Kimberley eastern and the North territory.

This is the 3rd confirmed case of EVD reported in WA since 2018, with 2 cases reported in 2023. Nationally, 13 cases of EVD have been reported so far in 2023. (EVD is a disease with mandatory reporting at national level.)

This new case followed recent detections of the EVD virus in mosquitoes and sentinel chickens across the upstate and, sadly, the death of a child due to EVD in March 2023 (see news from 4 April 2023).

Recent reports point to heavy rainfall in northern WA, which has no doubt provided large breeding grounds for vector mosquitoes.

The risk of becoming infected and becoming ill is low, but illness caused by EVD can be serious and even fatal.

Disease prevention relies on preventing mosquito bites which were recalled by the authorities:

  • Cover up outdoors – wear loose, long-sleeved, light-coloured clothing, especially at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Ensure babies and children are properly protected from mosquito bites by wearing clothing, shoes/socks, mosquito nets or other forms of insect protection.
  • Apply mosquito repellent containing picaridin, DEET, or PMD evenly to all exposed skin areas. Read the instructions to find out how often you should reapply the repellent.
  • Mosquito bracelets and patches are not recommended, as they are not proven to provide good protection against mosquito bites.
  • Avoid exposure to the outdoors, especially at dawn and early evening.
  • Use mosquito nets and mosquito tents if you sleep outdoors. Use mosquito coils and lanterns.

You can also limit the number of mosquitoes in and around your house: cut the grass often and keep it short to reduce the number of mosquitoes seeking shelter around your house; apply a residual surface spray (containing bifenthrin) to exterior walls, patios and other places where mosquitoes might land – this will kill them; remove water containers around the house and garden to ensure that mosquitoes do not breed Check that mosquito nets are installed and in good condition on houses and caravans.

Reminders on Murray Valley encephalitis

The Murray Valley encephalitis virus is a Flavivirus of the family of Flaviviridae, responsible for an endemic zoonosis in northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. It is a mosquito-borne arbovirus that survives in a bird-mosquito-bird cycle. The aquatic birds of theorder of Ciconiiformes, which includes herons and cormorants, is the normal reservoir. Cattle, marsupials, horses, sheep and monkeys are secondary reservoirs. The main mosquito vector is Ringworm.

Infection in humans occurs after mosquito bite. Most cases are asymptomatic. The disease usually lasts 2 weeks and is characterized by the onset of fever, headache, myalgia for 2 to 5 days. Then come neurological complications (encephalitis, meningeal syndrome, convulsions, spastic quadriplegia, respiratory paralysis and coma).

The fatality rate reaches 20%. Neurological sequelae appear in 50% of infected people.

Source : ProMED

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