Musk” and “The World of One Civilization” – Al-Ittihad Newspaper

At the World Government Summit, which was held in Dubai from February 13 to 15, the CEO of Twitter, Elon Musk, warned on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, of a “world of one civilization”, and of the danger of everything collapsing as a result. He also said, “We just want to have some degree of cultural diversity such that if something goes wrong in one part of the civilization, the whole thing doesn’t collapse. Humanity keeps moving forward.” Investor Elon Musk used the example of the fall of the Roman Empire, coinciding with the rise of Islam.

With the flourishing of Islamic civilization, Rome was collapsing, but he noted that the situation led to the preservation of knowledge and many scientific advances. Musk concluded his speech by saying, “It sounds a little strange, but we want to have a degree of cultural diversity so that if something goes wrong in one part of civilization, the whole thing does not collapse and humanity continues to move forward.” His Excellency Mohammed Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, commented on his comments, that the UAE has 180 nationalities of every race and religion, and the applied model respects all civilizations regardless of color, religion and race, and the important thing is that people live in peace.

Perhaps the opening of the Abrahamic Family House on Thursday, February 17, 2023 in Abu Dhabi proves what the Minister said, and reflects the UAE’s great role in promoting cultural diversity, human brotherhood, and respect for different cultures and religions. With the opening of this house, the UAE will have presented the world with a multi-civilizational landmark, a center for dialogue and understanding between religions, and a wide space for education that calls for coexistence, not exclusion, and highlights the concept of moderation in the face of extremism, and promotes the values ​​of tolerance to reject intolerance, and calls for love to confront hatred to enhance the concept of human brotherhood. To establish a future of peace and stability.

The Abrahamic Family House came in order to consolidate human concepts and values, the most important of which are: Observance of privacy: which emphasizes respect for the religious and cultural specifics of each religion and not offending its followers, Observance of moderation: by fighting extremism in the name of religions, mobilizing common spaces: and this is through dialogue between the symbols of these religions And its followers, which is the essence of the goal of establishing the Abrahamic Family House, which would develop the field of knowledge not only of the different religions, but also impart a better understanding of the world and its complexities.

The house of the Abrahamic family sent a signal that what was talked about in the West of the “clash of civilizations” will end in the East. to fact. Consequently, the warnings that Elon Musk referred to at the Summit of Governments were responded to by the Emirates with actions, and they were embodied in the Abrahamic House, as it is not only an edifice that symbolizes cultural diversity, but rather constructive civilized dialogue.

* Saudi researcher in political media.

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