Mutasim Miqdad shocked everyone with what he said without shame about his brother’s wife, Walid! And the unexpected surprise in the father’s reaction?!

It’s 06:10 a.m.
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Recently, the disputes and secrets of the family of Al-Waleed Miqdad became public again, as the last dispute broke out between him and his brother Mutasim, so the father had to intervene.

This came when the star of Birds of Paradise, Al-Walid Miqdad, posted a video on his personal page on the social networking site, while he was at an airport with his family.

The video monitored Mutasim Al-Miqdad, filming his brother Al-Waleed, while he was next to his wife, Nour Ghassan Miqdad, and commented without shame: “You sit next to your wife, she looks like you.”

Al-Waleed did not say a word, but was satisfied with smiling while his brother’s laughter broke out in the airport lounge.

Miqdad’s father, Khaled al-Miqdad, entered into a controversy defending his son al-Walid, saying: “This is called a man’s respect for a woman, and the Prophet says, ‘Recommend women well, but it seems that you are oppressed.'”

Al-Mu’tasim replied to his father, saying: “Okay, marry me, so that I will not remain oppressed.” His father replied, “You are not at Giza,” and pointed to his wife, in a gesture from him that the decision is in her hands.

The audience wondered whether Al-Waleed had obtained his mother’s consent before he proposed to the courtship and marriage. They even asked if his mother had introduced Nour to Al-Walid.

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