Navigating Post-Breakup Social Media: Stay Friends or Cut Ties?

2023-11-26 11:00:08

Stay friends or cut ties?

According to the IFOP study, 59% of women believe in the possibility of remaining friends with an ex, compared to 70% of men. However, in practice, only 33% of women maintain contact, compared to 46% of men. This divergence highlights a different approach to separation: women seem more inclined to a clean break, while men more often maintain ties, even superficial ones.

The online presence of an ex-partner is also a source of discomfort, especially for women. 81% of them would feel embarrassed if their current partner interacted with their ex on social media, a feeling shared by 69% of men. Keeping photos of the ex on social networks is also a sensitive subject, denounced by 83% of women and 76% of men.

Jealousy games and spying on exes

Study finds men more likely to spy on their ex on social media. 53% admit to monitoring their ex’s new relationships, compared to 38% of women. In addition, 39% of men created a fake account to spy on their ex, a practice less common among women (22%).

Social media is also becoming an arena for post-breakup jealousy games. 62% of men post happy stories to potentially make their ex jealous, a strategy adopted by less than half of women (47%). Photos suggesting a new intimacy are also used differently: 52% of men compared to 34% of women use them.

Red lines and online reputation

Online revenge takes a darker turn with 40% of men admitting to denigrating their ex on social media to damage their reputation, compared to only 14% of women. Disseminating intimate photos of the ex is another form of revenge, practiced by 38% of men and 14% of women. These behaviors highlight the risks and potentially serious consequences of post-breakup online interactions.

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