New and Improved Big Mac: The Complete Recipe Makeover by McDonald’s

2024-02-11 10:31:19

More than 55 modifications are listed by McDonald’s for this new Big Mac which arrived in France this week. The bread will now be thicker, softer and toasted for longer. Indeed, the bread is cooked “5 extra seconds” approves Jean-Guillaume Berthola, the marketing director of McDonald’s France.

“It is now toasted for 22 seconds for a hotter, more grilled, more airy, more tender and more comforting result,” continues the announcer during the presentation of the major changes to “McDo” burgers. Large and numerous since the “Royale” range and cheeseburgers are also concerned.

The sesame seeds dotting the “bun” will also be arranged differently to give a “homemade” effect.

Other aspects of the recipe have also been improved: the onions will now be cooked directly on the meat, the steaks will go through the grill in sixes instead of eight, and the cheese slices will be taken out of the refrigerator earlier in order to be more tender once inserted into the burger.

Finally, the burger’s secret sauce will be more generous than before. It took 7 years of experimentation for the American fast-food giant to arrive at this new recipe. Customer testing was conducted in Australia and the United States prior to launch.

In total, around fifty elements of the recipe change, from the arrangement of the sesame seeds, to the temperature of the cheese before cooking, to the number of pickles and the weight of the Big Mac’s sacrosanct secret sauce.

Americans have been benefiting from this new recipe since 2023, and by 2026 other burgers from the brand should be modified in turn.

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