New Taipei City Animal Home: Cold-Proof Measures and Supplies for Shelter Furry Babies

2024-01-24 03:49:53
▲New Taipei City Animal Home has prepared relevant cold-proof materials and fabrics. (Photo/Provided by the Animal Protection and Epidemic Prevention Division of the New Taipei City Government)

[NOWnews今日新聞] In response to the sharp drop in temperatures due to the cold snap, in order to allow the fur babies in the shelters to have a warm winter, the 8 public animal homes under the New Taipei City Government’s Animal Protection and Epidemic Prevention Department not only inspected cold-proof equipment and prepared cold-proof supplies, but also activated 3 protective measures including cold-proof fabrics, thermal insulation lamps and wind protection; in addition to turning on thermal insulation lamps and heaters during cold snaps, old, young and weak animals are also given blankets and towels, and thermal insulation measures are continued depending on the temperature to ensure that shelter dogs Cats will not suffer from the cold when a cold snap hits.

Wu Mingzhen, a veterinarian at the New Taipei City Government’s Animal Protection and Epidemic Prevention Department Furry Medical Center, said there are many ways to keep furry babies warm. Furry parents can close the doors and windows to prevent cold wind from entering the room, prepare warm mattresses, and turn on the heater. For pet electric blankets, put a layer of towel on it to avoid direct contact, and pay attention to the safety of electricity. It is not recommended to dress fur babies for a long time indoors. It is recommended that the temperature is below 10 degrees before wearing it. Long-haired dogs such as Huskies, Shiba Inu, and Golden Retrievers Dogs with multi-layered coats do not actually need to wear clothes to keep out the cold to avoid skin diseases caused by stuffy heat.

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The Animal Protection and Epidemic Prevention Office of the New Taipei City Government explained that although dogs and cats are covered with hair, which helps maintain body temperature, they should not be taken lightly when the cold snap hits. In particular, young and sick dogs and cats are still susceptible to cold, so when the cold snap hits, When a cold attack hits, Animal House will activate the cold protection mechanism to help the fur babies survive the cold winter. Of course, the public is also welcome to come to the Animal House to adopt the fur babies, interact with them in practice, adopt them, and give them a warmer home.

▲Young dogs and cats are susceptible to cold and need to activate the cold protection mechanism. (Photo/Provided by the Animal Protection and Epidemic Prevention Division of the New Taipei City Government)

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