“New version of the Polaki line, what else is Kasselakis waiting for to put him off the ballot?” 2024-03-28 20:01:33

ND wonders, what else is Stefanos Kasselakis waiting for “to put Mr. Faradouris off the ballot?”.

The entire announcement of Nikos Romanos

“Almost 24 hours after the unacceptable, undermining and insulting statements of Faradouris about the institutions, about our Republic and about the Areopagus, the following has happened:

1. The Union of Judges and Prosecutors issued a statement condemning his unacceptable statements.

2. Not only did he not apologize to the Greek judges and prosecutors or make amends, but he came back insulting the officials of Justice again, after calling those who reacted to his unimaginable statements a prime ministerial conclave.

3. SYRIZA completely covered him, confirming once again that the Faradouri line, which is a new version of the Polaki line, is also a central choice of the new leadership.

We, however, must insist on the self-evident thing that would happen in any democratic party and ask Mr. Kasselakis: What else is he waiting for to put Mr. Faradouris off the ballot?

PS: Where did the “sensitive” rule of law MEPs of SYRIZA hide? Did they inform their colleagues in the European Parliament about their partner’s statements?”

“Allergic shock has caused the New Democracy and the prime ministerial conclave the possibility that the investigation by the Prosecutor’s Authorities (European and Greek) will shed light on the crime of Tempe and lead to a complete popular delegitimization of the Mitsotakis Government, which is slipping every day.

This is proven by the government’s furious attempt to discredit the European Public Prosecutor’s Office in order to prevent any light from being exposed, as well as Editor No. 2 for my statements as Professor of European Law and Advisor to the President of SYRIZA-PS.

And YES: The public prosecutor’s investigation, wherever it comes from, can and must shed light on opaque procedures and the clearing up of scandals and crimes and lead to political developments and recourse to the popular verdict, as happens in any privileged state. Justice will be served. Democracy will win.”

In its statement, the Union speaks of undermining the work of the Greek Justice and of political exploitation of a tragic event. The reaction of the Union of Judges and Prosecutors to the statements of the executive of SYRIZA Nikos Sfodris who said that “it would be a wishful thinking for the European prosecutor to bring down the government” is severe.

In its announcement, the Association of Judges and Prosecutors speaks of undermining the work of the Greek Justice, for political and only exploitation of a tragic event in the wake of which they are attempting to level the leading Institution of Justice, while stressing that “Sovereign in the Hellenic Republic is the People from from whom all Powers proceed.”

Yesterday’s statements by a political leader of a parliamentary party, with which he insults the Supreme Judges of the country with anti-democratic characterizations, constitute a direct insult to the entire Judiciary and undermine the work of the Greek Justice, the award of which is attempted to be replaced outside the limits of the Greek Constitution Democracy.

These statements against the Supreme Court of the country, the Supreme Court, accompanied by direct insults to the State and the Democratic Institutions, now demonstrate that the purpose of those who support them is not to find the essential truth, but only politics exploiting a tragic event in the wake of which they attempt to level the top Institution of Justice.

The Union of Judges and Prosecutors reminds everyone that Democracy was restored in our country in 1974 and that questioning the Constitution, the Judiciary and the Institutions in general is the initial stage of the establishment of authoritarianism.

Sovereign in the Hellenic Republic is the People from whom all Powers originate. Greece has a Constitution, the implementation of which is continuously guaranteed by the Greek Judiciary.

The Greek Judges and Prosecutors perform with complete conscientiousness and independence their highest duty, based on the evidence of the case files, as defined by the Constitution and the Laws of the Constituent Greek State so that Justice is awarded with the guarantees provided by the international human rights protection texts rights.

Otherwise, every citizen would risk becoming a target of the personal opponent or the public, who even seek the death penalty with the risk of permanently disrupting social peace and cohesion.

Mr. Farandouris in his television interview on Tuesday night and after mentioning that “the European prosecutor brought down the government in Romania”, he added that “it would be a wish to do the same in Greece”. When, in fact, the journalist Takis Hatzis asked for clarification on this statement, Mr. Farandouris insisted saying “if he is hiding scandals, yes, if he does not want (the government) to clarify cases”.

“It confirms that the contempt for institutions and the undermining of democracy are intertwined with SYRIZA and under its new leadership,” commented the press representative of the ND, Nikos Romanos, in a statement, who added that “after these unthinkable statements, we consider it goes without saying that Mr. Farandouris will not be a candidate for MEP”.

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