Newborn rickets ︳ Girl B was born with a fracture on the 1st day, revealing that she is greedy and afraid of the dark and does not bask in the sun. The mother and daughter are both seriously deficient in vitamin D – Sunny Post – Health – Other Diseases

Exposure to the sun in outdoor activities can increase the body’s chances of producing vitamin D, which can help maintain bone health. A newborn girl in Taiwan was found to have broken her right calf just one day after her birth. A blood test showed that she was severely deficient in vitamin D and suffered from “neonatal rickets”, which is rare among full-term newborns. After further examination, it turned out that her mother was also severely deficient in vitamin D, and she also admitted that she seldom went out in the sun during pregnancy because she was afraid of tanning.


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According to comprehensive Taiwan media reports, a newborn baby girl suffered a fracture just one day after she was born and was sent to the Children’s Hospital of China Medical University for treatment. Lin Hongzhi, director of the neonatology department of the hospital, said that the baby girl was born in another hospital and was suspected of having a fracture due to extrusion of the birth canal; her right calf was swollen and cried when touched. After a detailed examination after the emergency transfer, it was discovered that the baby girl was severely deficient in vitamin D, which was only 1/4 of the normal value.

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The baby girl is the mother’s first child. After examination, it was found that calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, parathyroid, liver and kidney functions were normal, except for the severe deficiency of vitamin D, which was diagnosed as “newborn rickets”. Further inspection revealed that the mother was also severely deficient in vitamin D; after further questioning, the other party admitted that she did not bask in the sun very much because she was afraid of the dark.

Lin Hongzhi pointed out that in addition to putting the baby girl in a cast, they also reminded the mother to let her daughter bask in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes every day. Fortunately, the baby girl is recovering well, and her right calf will heal in about 6 to 8 weeks.

Expectant mothers should sunbathe for 30 minutes a day

Lin Hongzhi reminded that neonatal rickets refers to softening and weakening of the bones, usually caused by extreme and long-term lack of vitamin D; while rickets in full-term newborns is usually caused by the lack of vitamin D in the mother.

Therefore, he reminded all expectant mothers to take sufficient protein, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, etc. during pregnancy, and take comprehensive vitamins to supplement vitamin D every day. The average daily calcium intake can reach 1,000 to 1,200 mg. Pregnant women can choose formula Milk, soy products, shrimp, shellfish, etc. If you can’t eat dairy products regularly, you can consider taking calcium supplements. He also reminded expectant mothers who love beauty and are afraid of the dark to go out in the sun for 30 minutes a day during pregnancy to avoid the above situation.

Nutrients and sources for expectant mothers

Registered dietitian Li Peixuan once suggested that pregnant women should take the following nutrients:

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Vitamin D deficiency in infants may lead to schizophrenia

A lack of vitamin D in babies may lead to bone problems such as rickets, fractures easily, and other serious problems when they grow up. A study published in the British medical journal Scientific Reports by the University of Queensland in Australia and Aarhus University in Denmark found that vitamin D deficiency in infants may increase the risk of schizophrenia in adulthood.

The researchers examined 2,602 people born between 1981 and 2000 who were diagnosed with schizophrenia as adults, and analyzed their blood levels of vitamin D at birth. The results showed that a lack of vitamin D after birth led to schizophrenia in adulthood. The risk is 44% higher than normal.

The researchers pointed out that the fetus will depend on the mother’s absorption of vitamin D when developing, and it is recommended that pregnant women supplement enough vitamin D during pregnancy, such as more sun exposure, to prevent the next generation from suffering from schizophrenia.

Low levels of vitamin D at birth lead to high blood pressure

A previous study by the American Heart Association also found that babies born with low levels of vitamin D had a 60% increased risk of developing high blood pressure between the ages of 6 and 18. The researchers followed 775 U.S. children earlier, including measuring vitamin D levels in newborn umbilical cord blood, and taking blood samples from birth to age 18 as they grew to study blood pressure health. The results suggest that pregnant women should get enough vitamin D from food, sun exposure or supplements during pregnancy to allow the fetus to absorb nutrients.

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