News 24 | Health offers medical advice to get rid of stress syndrome

The Ministry of Health has provided a number of medical advice about shin pain known as “stress syndrome”, which occurs due to a change in motor activities.

The ministry explained that fatigue syndrome occurs for people who have changed or increased their motor routine, and the muscles are strained due to increased activity and exercise.

And she advised to practice physical therapy to get rid of shin pain, which is to do stretching exercises for the shin muscles with a consultation with a physiotherapist, such as sitting in a prostrate position and feet in a straight position towards the back and stability for 15-30 seconds and repeating the process from 3-5 times to elongate the muscle.

She indicated the possibility of using a resistance belt or an appropriate weight, pulling the foot back and forward, resisting the weight from 10 to 15 repetitions, and repeating the process from 3 to 5 times a day to strengthen the muscle.

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