‘News’ slows down aging… What kind of food to eat?

Excessive intake of calories is the cause of disease… Carbohydrates-proteins-calcium-vitamins must be controlled

It was found that aging was delayed in people who cut calories with news. Rather than blindly eating less, we should pay more attention to the distribution of essential nutrients. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

It is well known that eating less (news) slows aging and helps to live a healthy lifespan (healthy longevity). In order to be healthy at the age of 100, they are given the task of controlling ‘food cravings’. Recently, a study on the relationship between aging and diet in humans is attracting attention. What is it?

◆ After 2 years of eating with 25% less calories… Aging slows down by 2-3%

A study has found that fasting slows down the aging process. According to a thesis by a research team at Columbia University in the United States, published in the international journal ‘Nature Aging’, people who consistently ate a diet with a 25% reduction in calories (calories) for 2 years slowed down the aging rate by 2-3%. This corresponds to a 15% reduction in mortality risk.

The research team conducted a study of 220 normal or overweight men aged 21 to 50 and women aged 21 to 47 to examine the association between calorie intake and aging DNA. A comparison of a group that ate a 25% reduced calorie diet for 2 years with a control group that ate the same amount of calories as usual showed that those who ate less calories experienced slower aging.

◆ The reason why overeating is inconvenient at old age… Is it because your body is tuned to the news?

Even in middle age, food cravings are still there, but there are cases where the body does not follow. If you eat too much, your body will suffer. Why? Because your body is different from when you were young. Digestive juice, bile, and various secretions that digest food are reduced, making digestion difficult. Even in this situation, if you can’t overcome your gluttony and overeat, your body will inevitably get sick. Aging accelerates, inflammation occurs, and health deteriorates.

◆ Excessive intake of calories is the cause of disease… Do you only eat kimchi and rice every day?

Most centenarians cite news as the secret to longevity along with steady body movements and an optimistic personality. Scientists agree on the importance of news. This is because many diseases and cancers are caused by excessive intake of calories. Eating more and moving less is the biggest reason why colorectal cancer is rapidly increasing in Korea compared to the past. However, just blindly eating less is not the answer. Eating only rice and kimchi every day because it is annoying or lack of money can harm your health due to lack of major nutrients such as protein and fat.

◆ Carbohydrates in an appropriate amount… Pay attention to protein-calcium-vitamins, etc.

After the age of 40, muscle naturally declines. Especially in women, estrogen (female hormone) decreases during menopause, which greatly reduces bone density. We have to deal with it here. Carbohydrates such as rice should be eaten in an appropriate amount, but you should pay attention to protein that is good for muscles and calcium that is good for bones. It is good to maintain muscle by eating meat in a non-burning and boiling way and eating eggs, beans, and tofu frequently.

The number one age group for calcium deficiency is women in their 50s (a survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare). Milk-yoghurt and other dairy products, bone-in fish, sea radish, etc. eat a lot of calcium-rich food steadily, and expose your bare skin to sunlight for about 20 minutes in the morning to make vitamin D so that calcium is absorbed faster. Eating raw vegetables and fruits, which are rich in antioxidants that reduce oxidation (aging) of the body, is also helpful for a healthy lifespan.

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