Nicole Neumann returned home with Manu Urcera after the accident: “Already discharged at home”

Nicole Neumann’s partner, Jose Manuel Urcera suffered a hard accident during the qualifying series of the race of the Tourism Highway disputed in Toay, when he hit the wall on the main straight and lost control of his car. The crash shocked those present and his girlfriend had an immediate reaction.

Going for you, my love @Manurcera”, expressed the model through her official Instagram account, who was in Buenos Aires. In one story, Neumann is seen driving her car towards La Pampa, after learning of the dangerous episode suffered by her partner.

Nicole Neumann’s reaction after her boyfriend Manu Urcera’s accident in La Pampa

Urcera was immediately assisted by the authorities of the ACTC and in the first diagnoses the pilot from San Antonio Oeste showed a distention of the ligation of the left knee. He was later transferred to the Mores Sanatorium for imaging studies. “He is fine, balanced and lucid.

He has a distention of the internal ligament of one knee, a trauma to the right clavicle where he already has a fracture and we are going to keep him in the medical room for an hour, before taking him to do a study of the costal part. Everything else is fine,” said Dr. Rodolfo Balinotti, trauma doctor at the Felipe Fossati Balcarce Subzonal Hospital and Medical Chief of the ACTC.

Juan Manuel Urcera was left out of the race after colliding with the vehicle of his colleague Marcelo Agrelo. Urcera’s machine took the brunt of the collision. The episode occurred during the first qualifying stage of the day and generated enormous concern for the driver from Neuquén.

I wanted to tell you that I am fine after the accident. I’m in the hospital getting some checkups. When I have more info I will share it with you. Thank you for worrying and asking, ”Manu wrote on his social networks to bring peace of mind to his followers.

Once the check-ups were done, and after the arrival of the model at the hospital, both achieved the expected reunion and left for their home. Neumann updated her boyfriend’s health status once again on Instagram. “Already together to take care of you, @manurcera. what a sussstoooooo”, he wrote next to a photo holding hands.

The stories of Nicole Neumann, updating the health status of her partnerInstagram

It would not be the last story of the host about José Manuel. From her home, she made another post. This time, they can both be seen lying on a bed, she in a beige sweater and gray jacket while he shows off her bare torso. “Already discharged at home”Nicole celebrated.

A similar photo was published on the profile of José Manuel, who was also relieved: “At last home and with the best nurse,” he wrote.

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