Nine questions you should ask yourself before adopting an animal?

Photo: Pixabay

Photo: Pixabay

The Estonian Animal Protection Society points out important questions that every person who has thought regarding getting a pet should ask themselves. Answering these questions honestly will help you find out if and which animal fits your life best.

Adopting a pet should be a decision that is carefully considered and analyzed. This is the only way we can avoid the emergence of later problems, which can be behavior and health problems of the pet, abandonment of the animal, euthanasia or, even worse, forgetting the animal outside on a chain or in a cage in the corner of the room. Both future animal owners and pets benefit from comprehensive preliminary work.

Before adopting an animal, it is worth answering these nine questions:

  1. What should the animal offer you? When you reach the desire for an animal, think clearly for yourself why you want a pet in the future – what the pet should bring to your life or what void it should fill. Depending on this, you can choose a species or breed that is more likely to meet your expectations. But it must be taken into account that the characters of animals are different, that he may not always fully meet these expectations.

  2. Do you or a member of your family have an allergy or any other health condition that might prevent you from adopting an animal? Determine possible cases of allergy in the family and make a decision in favor of one or another animal species or breed based on this. Unfortunately, there are many animals who are forced to find a new home due to sudden allergy attacks of a family member.

  3. Does the animal fit into your future plans? The choices and plans we make in life, such as moving house, moving in with a loved one or having children, all affect our pet. The animal is our responsibility, which means that we must be able to deal with any problems that we cause it or that arise due to the animal’s species or character. It is our responsibility to take care of them, teach them, introduce them to the world and its rules, and protect them from evil.

  4. Is your home a comfortable and safe place for the animal? Critically evaluate your home: would it be comfortable and safe for a pet to live there, would you be able to provide the animal with the species-specific living conditions necessary for a full life, and does the owner and cooperative have permission to keep an animal on your living space. If you live on a rental property, be sure to ask permission from the owner of the property.

  5. Can you provide the animal with species-specific living conditions? When you get a pet, you have to determine whether you can provide it with the needs specific to the species. A full stomach and a clean living environment are not enough for domestic animals. For example, if a cat has a clean litter box, healthy food and positive interactions with people, the animal may still not be happy. Play is very important for cats to satisfy their hunting instinct. This is the main emotional need that is indispensable for the cat’s well-being and reduces behavioral problems.

  6. Do you have the time and persistence to teach the younger members of the family how to treat an animal considering its species-specific behavior habits and how to care for it? If there are small children in the family, think regarding whether you have the time and persistence to teach the children how to treat an animal, taking into account its species-specific behavior habits, and how to take care of it. It must be explained that an animal is not a toy and feels pain in the same way as a person. Care must be taken to ensure that children do not hurt the animal. It is also not recommended for children to touch objects that the animal considers its own (food and drink bowls, toys, etc.).

  7. Would the other pets in your family be compatible with the new animal? – Also consider whether other pets living in your family would be suitable to live with the new pet. Not all animals may be friends from the first moment and it may be necessary to keep them apart for a while. Some get used to the newcomer in a week or two, others take a month or more. Exercising animals with each other requires persistence, but is generally effective. It is worth asking for advice from animal clinics or animal behavior specialists, who can recommend various methods and tools to help animals get along.

  8. Do you have enough financial resources to ensure the necessary living conditions, food and medical care for the animal? Take a critical look at your financial possibilities and assess whether you still have enough funds to take care of the animal. Depending on the pet, its equipment and food can be very expensive, but if the animal should get sick or injured, you have to take into account medical bills sometimes reaching thousands of euros. Not providing treatment to an animal is prohibited by law and punishable.

  9. Do you have enough time for an animal? Different species require different degrees of attention and handling. All animals need the opportunity to satisfy their species-specific need for movement and mind games. There must be time and also the will to ensure this. You also have to take into account that you have to take care of your animal throughout its life. For example, the average lifespan of a cat is 17 and a dog 12 years. A dog’s lifespan also depends on its breed and size. Depending on the species, turtles can live up to 50, 80 or even 150 years.

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2024-04-12 08:52:24
#questions #adopting #animal

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