2023-06-16 13:53:20
Mr. Norihisa Furuichi threw up the topic, “What was not useful in class at school?”
On June 16th (Friday), “Hitoshi Matsumoto’s Sake Knob Story” (Fuji TV) was broadcast. MC: Hitoshi Matsumoto, Football Hour (Nozomi Iwao, Teruki Goto).
ELLY (J SOUL BROTHERS III from EXILE TRIBE), Chihiro Kondo, Norihisa Furuichi, and Shintaro Moriyama (drawing) appeared as guests.
Chihiro Kondo “I don’t want to be entwined” in Norihisa Furuichi’s entangled sake
From the first half of the program, Mr. Furuichi said, “You’ve been drinking quite a bit” (Goto), and “Your face is bright red!” (Kondo). With alcohol, the “Furuichi Festival” accelerated.
Mr. Furuichi threw up the topic, “What was not useful in class at school?”
Mr. Furuichi said that he used to observe physical education classes when he was a child, and that he “didn’t need it in his life” and “quickly gave up.”

Matsumoto:So, didn’t you do vaulting boxes at all?
Furuichi:I can’t do the vaulting box. Does that make sense? as a result.
Iwao:At that time, I thought, “I want to surpass that!”, and it was fun.

Goto:If I might jump high, I would become a hero!
Furuichi:As a result, is it useful now? The ability of vaulting box.
Sheng Shan:The strength of the mind up to the process of “jumping box, let’s jump” will be useful… It’s like, “We’ll get over it!”
Goto:It’s like, “I’m going to lose!”

Furuichi:(Pauses) Is it helpful? that.
Sheng Shan:no…. I don’t know if you say so…
Furuichi:(Comedy award race) Even though it was called “THE SECOND”, (Mr. Moriyama) didn’t appear, right?
Goto:Oh yeah, it didn’t come out this time.
Furuichi:(With a calm expression) The vaulting box isn’t useful, is it?
Sheng Shan:The vaulting box and “THE SECOND” are different!
Iwao:(pointing to Mr. Moriyama) Aren’t you trying to jump over it (laughs)?
Goto:(Mr. Moriyama) Did you run away?
Furuichi:Yes, I ran away.
Mr. Furuichi has a calm tone, but his tongue is good. When ELLY said, “I’m glad I did the abacus”…
ELLY:I took the abacus up to the first stage. That’s why I’m good at mental arithmetic. I feel like I’m really alive now.

Furuichi:What do you live for?
Furuichi:What is the abacus alive for? Do you use mental arithmetic?
ELLY:Use it, use it!
Furuichi:(quickly) For example?
ELLY:For example, go to a convenience store…
Furuichi:(quietly) Go to the convenience store…
ELLY:I would give out change, roughly this amount, and then put the rest into the donation box.
Furuichi:(Eagerly) Isn’t it okay to use electronic money these days?
Matsumoto:I’m addicted to alcohol!
ELLY nodded, “Sure.” Mr. Kondo smiled bitterly, “I don’t want to be entangled.”

NEXTShintaro Moriyama Sings Shimoneta words loudly in an NSC class
#Norihisa #Furuichi #matter #Hitoshi #Matsumoto #Sake #badFuji #Television #Review