Norkin spoke about Gazmanov’s overseas property

The artist was in a difficult position because of the apartment in Jurmala. The TV presenter was merciless to Gazmanov.

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A few months ago, singer Oleg Gazmanov complained about the situation with his luxurious apartment in Latvian Jurmala. After patriotic statements, Europe blacklisted the performer of the super hit Esaul, and he cannot use elite real estate. It was not easier to sell apartments. Oleg Mikhailovich still does not know how to dispose of property, but he does not lose his sense of humor – for him this is not such a big loss.

Recently, Gazmanov’s apartment was discussed at the next issue of the show “Meeting Place” on the NTV channel. The presenter Andrey Norkin unexpectedly spoke on a sensitive topic. As it turned out, at one time the artist told the TV presenter an anecdote about himself, which the latter decided to share.

“Allegedly, he bought the apartment because it is three somersaults away from the subway. He always has such jokes in stock, ”said Andrei Vladimirovich, provoking a real fit of laughter among those present.

Recall that Norkin loves to joke on the air. His statements instantly diverge into quotes, becoming truly popular, but the whole country laughs at the anecdotes of the NTV host.

As for Oleg Gazmanov, his position can hardly be called enviable. Lawyers say that at the moment all European countries put up vile obstacles to Russian citizensno matter what status they have in their homeland. Oleg Mikhailovich, however, does not lose his good spirits. Having abandoned foreign trips, he began to visit Sochi more often, and he is happy to spend time at the Russian resort.

Source: Blitz+

Photo source: Frame from the program

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