North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba will be charged with receiving bribes and gratuities of more than IDR 100 billion – 2024-05-10 01:34:40

The inactive governor of North Maluku, Abdul Gani Kasuba, will be tried on suspicion of receiving bribes and gratuities worth more than IDR 100 billion (Antara)

The inactive GOVERNOR of North Maluku (Malut) Abdul Gani Kasuba will be charged with accepting bribes and gratuities worth more than IDR 100 billion at the Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor)

Spokesperson for prosecution for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Ali Fikri said Abdul would be tried at the Corruption Court at the Ternate District Court. The case files have also been sent there.

Regarding the amount of bribes and gratuities, Ali said the funds were in the form of rupiah and foreign currency.

“The prosecutor’s team charged him with receiving bribes worth IDR 5 billion and USD 60 thousand along with receiving gratuities worth IDR 99.8 billion and US$ 30 thousand,” said Ali in Jakarta, Thursday (9/5).

Abdul’s detention is now under the authority of the court. However, the location of his temporary imprisonment was not moved by the prosecutor.

“Currently he is still being held at the KPK branch detention center (Rutan) (in Jakarta),” said Ali.

Also read: Today’s Corruption Eradication Committee Reads Out the Verdict of Inactive Secretariat MA Hasbi Hasan

The KPK is now just waiting for Abdul’s first trial. The determination is left to the panel of judges.

In the development of the case, Abdul Gani Kasuba officially held suspect status in the alleged money laundering crime case. The value of the crime in this new case is estimated at IDR 100 billion.

“The initial evidence for alleged TPPU (money laundering crime) is that there was a purchase and disguising the origin of the ownership of economically valuable assets in the name of another person with an initial value thought to be around IDR 100 billion,” said KPK spokesman Ali Fikri at the House. Red and White KPK, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 8 2024.

The Head of the Corruption Eradication Commission’s News Department was reluctant to provide further details about the assets that Abdul believed were being disguised. However, this case was confirmed based on the sufficiency of the evidence.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confiscated a number of Abdul’s assets. A number of witnesses have also provided explanations to investigators regarding this money laundering case. (Z-3)

#North #Maluku #Governor #Abdul #Gani #Kasuba #charged #receiving #bribes #gratuities #IDR #billion

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