Number of rooms (bedrooms) to have in an apartment

An ideal apartment is something quite relative to the consumer who will buy the property.

After all, there are questions that only he can answer regarding, for example, the number of rooms he will have. What will define whether the apartment in Perdizes or in Pompeia will have 1 or 2 bedrooms is something very relative.

However, there is an ideal type of apartment for each type of buyer. If you want to know more about this subject, read the following text to understand better.

the ideal apartment

As previously mentioned, an apartment with 1 or 2 bedrooms will depend on the characteristics and desires of the consumer.

This is because an apartment made for singles will obviously have different characteristics from the one made for a family: the dimensions are different, the number of furniture and among other issues.

Therefore, there is not one type of apartment that is ideal for every type of existing situation.

the number of rooms

As mentioned before, an apartment in Perdizes for singles will be different than one for families and couples. Thus, using the number of users to define the number of rooms, it is possible to reach a series of conclusions such as:

1 bedroom apartment : Singles, roommates or couple

Obviously, 1-bedroom apartments are the simplest ones available on the market. Both an apartment in Itaim Bibi of this type and in Ipiranga are ideal to accommodate as few people as possible, in most cases, more specifically, 1 or 2 people.

2 bedroom apartment: Families of 3 or 4 people

The 2 bedroom apartments are ideal for families with 3 or 4 people, that is, a couple with 1 or 2 children. In this way, there can be 1 to 2 beds in each room, or even more depending on the case.

Apartment with 3 bedrooms or more: Families with more than 4 people

Finally, apartments with more than 3 bedrooms are ideal for large families with more than 4 people. One of the rooms can even be used for a guest eventually.

Count on a trusted real estate agent

If you are interested in purchasing an apartment in Ipiranga or Itaim Bibi in São Paulo that has several options for room numbers, first look for a reliable real estate agent. That way, she can help you find the ideal room option.

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