Nutritional advice.. Eating “chicken liver” supports dental health

It is considered Chicken liverOne of the most controversial foods, with some complaining about High cholesterol They have, this organic chicken meat is proven to be rich in healthy nutrients and often inexpensive, in fact chicken livers provide more nutrition than the famous chicken breasts!

Why should you eat chicken liver and what is the healthiest way to prepare it?

1- Rich in proteins

Chicken liver is rich in protein, low in calories and loaded with essential nutrients and minerals. Eating 100 grams of chicken liver helps you around 172 calories.

2- Rich in Vitamin A

Eating chicken liver makes your body help you get rid of toxins; The vitamin A in chicken liver makes it essential for the natural detoxification and reduction of free radical damage, in addition to healthy skin, vision and bones.

3- It is high in iron

Chicken liver is full of iron that helps in the formation of red blood platelets, and keeps the blood healthy. An increase in iron intake can also help fight anemia.

4- Rich in Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is mostly found in animal food sources such as eggs, fatty fish, and liver, especially chicken liver.

5- Low in calories

At the same time, chicken liver is high in protein and low in calories, and adding a small piece of chicken liver for dinner may increase the feeling of general satiety.

6- A source of selenium

Just 100 grams of chicken liver contains more than 100 percent of the suggested daily intake of selenium, which keeps an individual’s immune system healthy.

Several studies have found that insufficient selenium has enabled the rapid spread of COVID 19.

7- Chicken liver supports dental health

If you want to improve healthy teethDo not neglect chicken liver, chicken liver also supports the body’s production of blood and is ideal for people suffering from anemia or other red blood cell problems.

Contain Chicken liver Containing vitamin C and other antioxidants, just 100 grams of liver contains nearly a third of the body’s daily needs of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and fights inflammation.

Another benefit of vitamin C is that it boosts the production of collagen in the skin, and increases its resistance to the harmful aspects of the sun. It is no wonder that people who regularly eat liver have better skin health.

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