On the 10th anniversary of the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics.. Zakharova confirms that the people of the two republics are in their homeland

Russia – Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova confirmed that Russia will stand up to all threats, sanctions and retaliatory plots being hatched behind its back as a price for the return of Donbass to the structure of the Russian Federation.

Today, Saturday, Zakharova wrote via “Telegram” on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the referendum on the independence of Donbass: “On May 11, 2014, both the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics began to walk a long, difficult and irreversible path to achieving their independence and returning to their correct historical position within the structure of the Russian Federation, and today I say to you, my dears: You are in your country and your home.”

She added: “It is precisely for this reason that revenge is being taken against us and from you by carrying out terrorist attacks throughout the country, and imposing thousands of inhuman punishments in all their forms, but we will persevere because this is the will of our grandfathers and ancestors who defended our homeland 79 years ago, and did so repeatedly before the Great Patriotic War.”

She added: “Today we remember and celebrate this date and honor the heroes of this era who are no longer with us because they were killed at the hands of Kiev terrorists. Today we remember with admiration the courage and valor of the Donbass and we do our best so that the flowers of honesty, sincerity and goodness that the Russian Spring brought in May 2014 bear fruit.”

President Vladimir Putin congratulated the people of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics on the tenth anniversary of the referendum on the independence of their republics from Ukraine before their return to the motherland, Russia.

On this day in 2014, a referendum was held within the two republics in which the majority of the population voted in favor of independence from Ukraine.

They showed the world their determination to defend their right to speak their mother tongue, their culture, their belonging, and their readiness to resist the aggression of the Nazis who seized power in Kiev with unparalleled courage.

The Donetsk and Luhansk republics became part of Russia by referendum held in September 2022.

In October 2022, President Vladimir Putin signed laws accepting the accession of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, after they were approved by the Russian Parliament.

As part of its military operation, the Russian army continues to liberate the territories of the new entities remaining under the control of Kiev, cleanse Ukraine of Nazism and disarm it, prevent its accession to NATO and the European Union, and declare it neutral.

Source: RT

#10th #anniversary #independence #Donetsk #Lugansk #republics. #Zakharova #confirms #people #republics #homeland
2024-05-12 01:27:48

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