Saudi Arabia Hattan Al-Saif “punishes” Egyptian Nada Fahim with a crushing knockout

Saudi Arabia – Saudi fighter Hattan Al-Saif entered the history of the Professional Fighters League, yesterday, Friday, in the “PFL” tournament in the capital, Riyadh, which took place for the first time in an Arab country and at the level of the Middle East region.

Hattan Al-Saif knocked out her Egyptian competitor, Nada Fahim, by knockout with a blow to the head, during the second round of the exhibition fight, which brought them together within the “PFL” tournament, and the Egyptian fighter was subsequently transferred to the hospital directly.

She punished the Saudi fighter, Nada Fahim, for statements she made before the fight, during which she belittled the sword’s slander, by saying: “It is a rare thing that Saudi Arabia has female champions. She has not yet met anyone Egyptian. Everyone she meets like her is from Saudi Arabia or another country. I consider her like anyone else.” I played with her and maybe less, it’s easy.”

Hattan Al-Saif said in an exclusive statement to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper after the confrontation: “I ended the fight with a knockout. I wanted to have more fun in the confrontation, but I am proud of what I achieved as the first Saudi fighter to achieve this achievement, and I have a lot to achieve in the future.”

While the Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadiya quoted the Saudi fighter as saying: “Desistance and love of the game are behind my participation in the Fighters League.”

She added: “Pursue your dream wherever it may be, and of course you will achieve it not only in martial arts, but in all other hobbies and sports.”

Regarding her carrying a large doll during her speech, Hattan Al-Saif, 22 years old, said: “This is my friend, I call him a colt, who has been accompanying me for two years in all the victories, championships, and sports in which I participated.”

Source: media

#Saudi #Arabia #Hattan #AlSaif #punishes #Egyptian #Nada #Fahim #crushing #knockout
2024-05-12 01:25:53

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