On the night of January 18, the “full moon” is the furthest away from Earth in 2022.

Reporters reported that National Astronomical Research Institute (Public Organization) (Sod.) revealed that The 18th of January is a full moon night. The moon will orbit the most distant Earth in the year, or known as “Micro Full Moon” (Micro Full Moon) distance from Earth about 401,011 km.

Such nights are visible “Full Moon” having the smallest apparent size in the year, starting to noticemoonto the naked eye in the east After the sun goes down, around 6:30 p.m. until dawn

moonIt orbits the Earth in one ellipse, taking approximately 27.3 days.moon near earthand the farthest distance from the earth, the position where the moon is closest to the earth is called Perigee (Perigee) Has an average distance of about 357,000 kilometers and the location where the moon is the furthest from Earth is called Apogee There is an average distance of about 406,000 kilometers.

what people in the world see “Full Moon” On nights when the moon approaches or is far away, the Earth differs in size. This is a normal occurrence that can be explained by scientific principles.

On the night of 18 Jan.

while the moon is the furthest from Earth or closest to the world It may not be the day of the full moon, but in18 Jan 2022 is the day of the full moon. and is in the farthest position in the world this year so we call it “Micro Full Moon”

for “Full Moon” The closest to Earth in 2022 will occur on July 14, 2022, at a distance of 357,411 km from Earth. That day will see the full moon appear slightly larger than usual.

On the night of 18 Jan.


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