”Ditasse” a new associative platform to contribute to the development of Nyanga –

Dozens of people from the Nyanga province brought under the baptismal font “Ditasse”, an associative platform which aims to be a laboratory of ideas to contribute to the development of this south-western part of the country which is almost devoid of everything. “It is time to stand up as one man to build together our … Read more

Odysseus: Two frozen ships, almost out of battery and perched sideways on the Moon, success or failure? | Science

Landing on the Moon again after having done so more than half a century ago is costing a lot. Of the last six attempts, only one – the Indian probe Chandrayaan 3 – was successful. The others, for one reason or another, have not been classified as such. But has the experience really been so … Read more

The fall leaves ‘Odysseus’ without energy ahead of time and shortens his mission on the Moon | Science

The return of the United States to the Moon half a century after the Apollo program has been accompanied by a setback. The Odysseus lander fell while landing on the Moon and came to rest on its side. While that didn’t render him completely useless, it has limited his mission. The company Intuitive Machines, which … Read more

‘Odysseus’: The United States returns to the Moon half a century after the Apollo program | Science

The United States has returned to the Moon. More than half a century after the last mission of the Apollo program, an artifact with the Stars and Stripes flag arrived on Earth’s natural satellite on Thursday. He did it with the help of a private company, Intuitive Machines, the first to achieve the milestone of … Read more

The ‘Odysseus’ module fell on its side when landing on the Moon, but it is “alive and well,” according to the company | Science

“Odysseus “It’s alive and well.” The company Intuitive Machines launched that message this Friday, but the need to insist on it and the lack of photographs and other evidence about the state of the lander indicated that something was not quite right. Finally, the company’s CEO, Steve Altemus, has admitted that the device “caught its … Read more

An underground ocean found on Saturn’s moon Mimas | Science

Mars is the planet with which extraterrestrials identify, but there are other nearby worlds, within the Solar System, where life is possible. Covered by tens or hundreds of kilometers of rock and ice, the underground oceans of some moons of Jupiter or Saturn remain warm enough to have liquid water and have chemical conditions where … Read more

The ‘Peregrino’ ship, damaged on its way to the Moon, will crash into the Earth | Science

The lunar module Pilgrim returns to Earth, but to disintegrate forever along with all the objects it was carrying, from NASA scientific tools to the mortal remains of former US presidents. The device suffered a breakdown after the rocket Vulcan He set him on his way to his destination on January 8. This “anomaly,” as … Read more

The ship with which the United States wanted to return to the Moon disintegrates against the Earth’s atmosphere | Science

On this occasion, everything went as planned: the ship Pilgrim from the Astrobotic company has disintegrated against the Earth’s atmosphere somewhere north of New Zealand, over the South Pacific, after 11 days of space travel. The module, which aspired to be the first privately owned one to land on the Moon, had taken off from … Read more