Are you 70 years old? This is how you can lose your retirement savings due to the Afores reform – Publimetro México

The remodeling at outsidewhich proposed Morena in it Congressimplies two risks serious illnesses that can cause millions of older adults lose their retirement and housing savings, which they accumulated throughout their lifewarned the IMCO. He Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO) explained that the reform proposes taking the saving for him withdrawal of the workers that … Read more When you live in Latvia and have no money: features of national bankruptcy

“Professional and innovative supervisory institution” Administrators operate in the Republic of Latvia under the wing of the Ministry of Justice. Last year, they handled 2,326 insolvency processes, of which 242 were declared against legal entities and 737 against individuals. Unfortunately, in 59% it was necessary to draw up a message about the absence of the … Read more

What are personal deductions and what are they for?

Las deductions personal are a very important part of your Annual statementwhich this year allows you recover up to 189 thousand pesos taxes that he charged you SAT During the past year. He Service tax administration (SAT) reported that the deductions are those bills that the taxpayers They have the right to reduce their incomewhich … Read more

This is how you can deduct the interest on your Infonavit credit

If you bought one casa or department with your credit of the IHe called and you are an employee or person physicalyou can deduce the interests real of the mortgage when presenting your Annual statement before him SAT and, where appropriate, receive the return of a part of your taxes. He Service tax administration (SAT) … Read more

What medical expenses can I deduct on my annual return?

The Tax Administration Service (SAT) announced that natural persons – those who obtain income from fee, salaries y wagesleasing, business and/or professional activity – can deduct their medical expenses when presenting your Annual statement. He explained that the personal deductions are expenses that taxpayers They have the right to reduce their cumulative income for the … Read more

Seller in Cartagena charges one hundred thousand pesos for four mangoes

In Cartagena, some tourists were surprised when a mango seller charged the surprising sum of one hundred thousand pesos for just four mangoes. The situation caught the attention of members of Plan Titan 24, who took immediate steps to address the problem. After intervening in the matter, the Police mediated with the merchant, who finally … Read more

SAT makes taxpayers who try to file their annual return tremble

The Tax Administration Service (SAT) heart a tremble to more than half of the professionals y taxpayers who try to present their Annual statement of taxesrevealed the global human capital firm OCC. Through its recent survey, it reported that 39 out of every 100 people (39%) indicated that the greatest “challenge” or main problem was … Read more

Official list of personal deductions for your annual return

The Tax Administration Service (SAT) published the official list of personal deductionsthat the Physical persons can present in their Annual statement of taxes. He noted that the deductions allow taxpayers decrease some bills personal and, where appropriate, obtain the return of a part of their taxesif your annual return shows a favorable balance. He indicated … Read more