One other “unintended” relationship was revealed between Péter Magyar and Áron Molnár, NoÁr + video

One other connection was revealed between Péter Magyar and Áron Molnár, a NoÁr political activist. The group of the vp of the Tisza Get together presents itself phrase for phrase within the courtroom register because the actor’s activist affiliation on its web site. Lawyer András Schiffer, the previous president of the LMP, revealed on ATV how Péter Magyar’s affiliation is written within the description of its function within the courtroom register.

They write precisely: “No matter get together politics, we battle for folks to reside in a freer and extra open nation by making a acutely aware, energetic society.”

Then András Schiffer discovered the web site of Áron Molnár’s group. The unusual connection, which may be mentioned to be greater than a coincidence, seems right here. As a result of on the web site of the left-wing political activist, his group introduces itself with these phrases: “no matter get together politics, we battle for folks to reside in a freer and extra open nation by making a acutely aware, energetic society.”

András Schiffer added sarcastically: it was clearly a coincidence.

Nevertheless, this isn’t the one level of connection between Áron Molnár and Péter Magyar.

Magyar Nemzet not too long ago drew consideration to the truth that the Legyél a Változás Egyesület of the vice-president of the Tisza Get together was registered within the very condo in Buda that’s particularly linked to Áron Molnár, i.e. NoÁr.

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