One Piece Chapter 1062 manga leaks

Unfortunately we have to wait for more as the release date of the Japanese manga One Piece Chapter 1062 has been postponed, the manga is on respite while fans are eagerly waiting for the much awaited chapter.

Chapter 1062 of ONE PIECE

The popularity of the Japanese manga One Piece is undoubtedly increasing, the manga has entered the last epic after the conclusion of the arc, and Wano offers creator Ichiro Oda a captivating plot with touching moments.

The much-needed mystery of the world of One Piece Dr. Vegapunk has finally been revealed in the long-awaited series Known as a great scientist but his appearance is yet to be revealed, he can be fully introduced in One Piece Chapter 1062.

After the break, Chapter 1062 of One Piece will continue with the journey of the Straw Hats. They have entered the new Egghead Island introduced in Chapter 1061, the heroes are scattered in the sea storm and the crew members are looking for Luffy, Jinbe, Chopper and Bonney.

Meanwhile, the new character Dr. Vejapunk is also introduced in the chapter He saved the rest of the crew from the attack of a giant shark-shaped robot.

Chapter 1062 of One Piece might show the whereabouts of Luffy, Jinbe, Chopper and Bonnie finding their way to Dr. Vejapunk’s lab?

There are many questions on our minds including why would he want to help the Straw Hat Pirates on the new island? Why would Bonnie want to meet him alone? According to chapter 1061, a woman heads to Egghead for some kind of business which means she will also meet Vegapunk.

Besides all these, chapter 1062 of One Piece can also shed light on the story of the sword worker, who rescued Kobe from Blackbeard.

Chapter 1062 of One Piece will be officially released on October 9, 2022 We will come out with spoilers for chapter 1062 One Piece One Piece as soon as it is released.

Dear visitor, you can read manga online for free from the Shonen Jump, Viz Media, and Manga Plus applications and websites. All you have to do is follow the Turkey website now for more updates about the Japanese manga series.

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