“Only my responsibility” Lee Jae-myung Seungbok… Democrat leadership resignation


Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung said he would surrender to defeat. As the Democratic Party has failed to re-create the regime, it seems that the theory of responsibility will be raised from within. Let’s connect with a reporter to find out more.

What message did reporter Hwang Ye-rin and Lee Jae-myung deliver during the early morning hours?


Candidate Jae-myung Lee arrived here at the Democratic Party of Korea only after 3:30 in the morning.

After saying hello to the supporters, I came to the company here and took out the article I had been preparing for.

It was about acknowledging defeat and surrendering to the result.

Let’s hear it for ourselves.

[이재명/더불어민주당 대선 후보 : 모든 것은 다 저의 부족함 때문입니다. 여러분의 패배도 민주당의 패배도 아닙니다. 모든 책임은 저에게 있습니다.]

He said he did his best, but did not live up to expectations, and thanked the senior officials and supporters.

In addition to congratulations to President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol, he also asked for the politics of unification.

[이재명/더불어민주당 대선 후보 : 윤석열 후보님께 축하의 인사를 드립니다. 당선인께서 분열과 갈등을 넘어 통합과 화합의 시대를 열어주실 것을 간곡히 부탁드립니다.]


What is the reaction of the Democratic Party?


When Candidate Jae-myung Lee visited this place early yesterday, the Democratic Party leadership also met briefly separately and decided to convene a meeting of the Supreme Council in private around 4 pm today.

It is after the closing ceremony of the Election Countermeasures Committee at 2 pm.

A key Democratic Party official said the situation was contemplating the general resignation of the Democratic Party’s leadership, including Song Young-gil.

It seems that the timing and method of resignation will be discussed.

There will also be discussions on the formation of the Emergency Response Committee.

However, it seems that it will be difficult to determine the chairman of the supreme committee at today’s supreme committee meeting.

As he is the vice chairperson who will lead the local elections three months later, it is not a good idea to make a quick decision on a temporary basis.

There are discussions about creating a unit to discuss the composition of the non-delegation committee, or a method in which floor leader Yun Ho-jung takes over as an agent and organizes it.

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